Chapter 2 - Suprising News

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Noah and Kayla had gotten very close with each other, after she kept reaching out.

Noah didn't want anything to do with her after the incident, when Dixie found out but she wouldn't leave him alone for some reason until he agree to meet up with her.

He did indeed meet up with her at this cute little café around the corner of her street. His only intentions was too talk to her and hopefully set her straight that he didn't want to see her again.

He hadn't talk to her in about a week until he gave in but he knew they would have to talk about it sometime and that time was now.

He walks into the cafe and looks at all the different booths and sees Kayla at the one in the far back. She sat their with a cup of coffee and another one across from her with different arrangements in the middle that they both can eat.

He walk up to her and sat down.

"Oh hey" she said when she saw him sit down. "What did you want to talk about?" Noah said wanting to get straight to the point of this meeting and wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"Well I kinda...just wanted to talk about that night..." Kayla said while looking at Noah right in the eyes. Noah roll his eyes "Look Kayla, I understand that night happened but to be honest I regret that whole night..." He says "We shouldn't have meant and I shouldn't have drank that much that night and I should have went home that night with my friends and go back to the Airbnb we were staying at and fell asleep with my girlfriend who was waiting for me"

"Am sorry, but it's the truth. I regret that night and if I could, I would go back and change it because the last thing I wanted to do was hurt the girl I truly love and can't live without" Noah says, his eyes slightly tearing up a little.

"Really?" Kayla said looking down and fidgeted with her hands not wanting to look Noah in the eyes.

"Yes, am sorry but I don't want to see you anymore because main focus right now is to fix things with Dixie and hopefully change her mind and get back together with her..." He said.

"You have to understand that I love that girl so much and I can't live without her, and that my life literally revolves around her and I truly think- wait no, I know for a matter of fact that, that girl is the love of my—" Noah was saying until he got cut off.

"NOAH just shut up please!!" Kayla said.

"But—" Noah tried saying.


Kayla said making Noah mouth drop open at the unexpected news he has just heard. 

Authors Note: I know this was a short one but I really just wanted to stop the chapter right there and leave it off on a cliff hanger lol. Sorry not sorry😂
Love you, stay safe🧡🧡🧡

Word Count: 520

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