Forest of Giant Trees

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Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or this story.

Previously: The group is shocked by the Female Titan's appearance. The recruits learn about the plan to capture her and don't have much faith much in it. Armin figures out who she is.


A whistling sound echoed as the shot displayed the green, grassy field with a few groups of small trees. Jean stood on a rock, whistling, with a horse standing obediently beside him. Behind them, Reiner knelt behind Armin. "How's your 3D maneuver gear looking, Armin?"

"It's fine," Armin sat still. "The clasp released like it was supposed to, so it seems it's not broken."

"I see," Reiner unrolled a bandage. "I'm glad to hear it. But what do we do?" He looked over at Jean, who was still whistling loudly. "We only have one horse. If Jean's horse comes back, the three of us can move, but…"

What the hell? Jean glanced at the horse beside him. Reiner's horse returned, so why didn't mine? We can't stay here any longer. Fingers in his mouth, he began whistling again. The field before him lay empty and peaceful, no sign of life. He pulled out his fingers, coated in saliva.

Levi wrinkled his nose. That's disgusting. He had an urge to wipe his own hands and to tell the teen to clean his fingers.

"Maybe you should try neighing instead," Eren snickered.

Jean flipped him off in response.

Worst comes to worst, we'll have to leave someone here. Jean looked behind him. But how would we decide who to leave?

Why do I get the feeling I'll be stuck making that decision? Jean's stomach twisted.

Eren's smirk fell and he and Mikasa looked between the real and the TV versions of the teen anxiously. Surely he wouldn't leave a comrade behind?

Armin, since he's wounded? Or Reiner, since he's big and would have trouble riding with someone else? Or should I run and try to find my horse? Jean looked down. "Shit!" He cursed. Why the hell do I have to think about this? We all made it through that fight alive. But now we have to leave one person behind? He began whistling for his horse once more.

Armin was staring at the ground, silent, remembering laying on the ground, eyes widening when the Female Titan's face came into clear view.

While everyone else stared intently at her face, Ymir, sitting at the farthest left, subtly studied them instead. He knows! Her eyes widened. Smart boy. Unlike most of the others, Armin wasn't looking curious, but grim, resigned almost. Jean and Hange had odd expressions as well.

"She looks kinda familiar, doesn't she?" Ymir said offhandedly.

"She does," Jean's brow furrowed at the face frozen on TV. Erwin was watching them curiously, wondering if they could possibly know her.

"And that expression too," Christa nodded.

Mikasa, who had been holding onto the blond-haired boy tight, noticed him stiffen. "Armin, what's wrong? Do you recognize her?" She could see the wheels turning behind his eyes.

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