Hanging out with the Boys √

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Arya's POV

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!" Val yelled as she jumped on top of me to attempt wake me up.  I threw my leg in a single clean kick and heard a loud thump.  I leaped up, half awake, and pinned a surprise Val.  I can still fight pretty well even when I'm half asleep.  I got mad ninja skills like that.  I would normally be able to easily hold Val, but since I just got up not even a five minutes ago, she's able to wiggle around and struggle underneath me.  I just plopped down on top of Val unable to continue any longer.  That just mad her really pissed off. "AYRA!!!!!!!!" She screamed as she shrugs me off of her. "COME ON GET UP!!!!!!!!!!!!  THE GUYS WANT TO TAKE US OUT!!!!!!!!!!"  Those few sentence grab my attention.

"'What guys?????" I ask suddenly wide awake.

"Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn." She informs me.

"Oh yeah!!!!!!" I say as their faces fly back into my head.  I forget things too easily sometimes.  She slaps her hand against her forehead and shakes her head.  I walk over to her and say, "Don't do that to yourself Val!!!" I gentle push her hand away from her face and then I slap her causing a echo in the room. "Ask someone to slap you for you." I say sweetly and smile before running for my life.

"GET BACK HERE ARYA!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yells as she tries to chase me.  I slip into a small part of the house that's tended to be avoided with scanning eyes.  If you come close enough, then you can faintly see it, but it's not completely visible.  I hear her yelling as she tries to find me in the other side of the house.  I quietly come out  from my hiding place and walk silently to the door.  I open the door as slowly as I could in order to keep the door from making a sound.  A high pitched squeal emerges from the door before I could stop it.  I cringe as soon as the sound was made.  I held my breath and listen to hear if Val heard the sound.  The yells and screams she'd been making had gone silent.  I quickly lock the door from the inside before slamming the door shut as the thumps from her feet come rapidly close.  I dash over to the boy's place and knock hurriedly.  I rub my arms to keep my arms warm in the cold that usually came in the mornings.   Today it wasn't as bad as other days, but It was still cold.  Louis opens the door, right as he was about to scream out something to grab everybody's attention, I slap my hand over his mouth, muffling any sound he was about to make.

"Can you help me hide from Valerie???  I mad her mad and now she wants to kill me." I asked him begging, right before glancing back at my door where there was an audible thud.  He looks over to my home and then nods and yanks me inside.  I look around his home surprised.  It was pretty clean for a bunch of guys living here without a girl to keep them in check.

"Louis who was it???" Liam asks as he steps into the room shirtless and he had serious abs.  His eyes glanced at me and then froze. "Ummmmm.  Arya????  First of all why are you here and what are you wearing????" I tear my eyes away from his chest and look down at my clothes.  I was wearing some purple and teal shorts that stopped at mid-thigh and a purple tank top.

"Pajamas.  I got Valerie mad at me and I ran over here to hide." I say with a shrug and a slight smile.

"Ahhhh." He says with understanding. "Do you make her mad often?????"

"Yeah and she sometimes does the same to me, but I do it more often than she often she does.  It's just how our friendship works.  You know how some friendships are weird like that.  We're just that special."

"Okay then.  I'm gonna go make sure that the other boys come out decently then." He says before he  disappears down a hallway.  I look at Louis questioningly.

"The lads sometimes sleep without clothes.  Harry does it almost everyday though." He explains with a crooked grin on his face.

"Oh." I say with my cheeks flaring up.

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