Chapter 16: Morning After

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Holding Hailey was a feeling I struggled to describe. I'm not sure how long we had been stood there, tucked away in each other's warmth, but at this surreal moment, time was the last thing occupying my mind.

"How was your sleep?"

My voice was gentle and slightly hoarse as I looked down at her. She would deny it if you asked but Hailey could never keep still for long periods of time, so when she pulled away, I instantly missed the contact we had previously shared.

"Mhmm it was.... great?"

Uncertainty was all I could hear as she spoke, clearly needing to question her thoughts on the matter. Worry took hold of me as I cupped the side of her face with the palm of my mind and kept the other on her waist.

"Is everything okay Hails?"

Being over-dramatic was not something I was too bothered about right at this second, I needed to make sure that she knows that I'll be there for her, that I'll always be there for her... even if that meant I had to constantly remind her until she never forgets.

Soft, strained chuckles unbind from her mouth as she presses down softly on her lower lip - concealing her smile. Only then do I realise I have been beaten at my own game.

Matching her humour filled expression, I release Hailey from my grip only to have her pout adorably at me. How does she look so perfect all the time?

As she succeeds at her continuous teasing, she sneakily puts me on edge as she glides her fingertips over my bare chest, leaving a trail of goose bumps with every touch.

The effect she has on me is breath-taking but deciding to end her little game, I take her hand off my chest and pull her all the way into me, pressing her body against mine.

My arms wrap around her as I lean down and plant a tender kiss on her lips. Small hands timidly make their way into my hair as I deepen this moment of passion... of love?

It felt way too early to say the three worded sentence which was on the tip of my tongue, this might sound quite pathetic to some, but I didn't want to make Hailey feel pressured or rushed into admitting anything, especially if it were not true on her behalf.

But my love for her was one of the very few things in my life which I was certain on and when the correct moment arrives to open up about these long-lasting emotions, I will tell her without hesitation.


Her voice was full of desperation as she whispered my name. Our lips were hovering over one another, both of us could feel the desire begging to be taken. Although, I knew by her unsure mannerisms that she was practically begging for me to pull away first, as if she was too far gone to take control, to resist...

After all, if we stayed like this for much longer, I doubt we would leave my apartment at all.

The sudden realisation snapped me back to the present as I pulled away from Hailey, my eyes widened as they searched around frantically looking for my phone. Quickly remembering that it was on the coffee table, I rushed over and viewed the time.


"Hailey hurry up we need to go; we are on the verge of being late!"

All seriousness was devoured back into my voice, we both knew we would have to stay professional if this was to work out, after all, having to explain the exact reason as to why we turned up late together was not an option I was willing to take, especially when that person is none other than our boss.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 || 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐨 𝐏𝐃 (𝐔𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝) Where stories live. Discover now