Chapter 15: 'I could get use to this'

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The startling sound of a heavy thump jolted me awake and almost instantly I took sight of the unfamiliar environment around me. My eyes where still half shut, squinting at the bright light of a dazzling lamp opposite me, but as I looked closer to my surroundings, the events from last night clouded my vision.

Subconsciously, an enchanting smile captivated my lips as my mind casted back to Jay. Speaking of which, where is he? The smile I once held had vanished quicker than it had appeared and each bit of happiness that was contained inside of me had deteriorated into sadness.

Looking around, I quickly recognised that I was on the couch, his kitchen was behind me but still there was no sight of the handsome detective. Despite the insecurity and worry that had nestled its way to my heart, I decided to fixate my mind on finding him or leaving before he had chance to see me... the only problem was that I hadn't decided on which option to take just this yet.

Swinging my legs off the couch, which was still radiated with my warmth, I pushed my feet downwards and soon hit the floor. Or so I thought. Unless I had drank too much last night and was still recovering, I was fairly confident that the floor was not supposed to groan in pain.

My eyes flickered down at the sudden response, and relief flooded through me. There he lay... his head was resting softly and surely uncomfortably on the cold hard wooded floor of his living room. Our blanket, at which he had used to cover us as we fell asleep, was snuggled around him. I watched closely, an amused smile engrossed my lips as I saw his eyebrows' scrunched in thought and lips slightly parted as his eyes remained closed.

I bent down gently; I would be lying if I had said I wasn't nervous about waking him up. Jay could be grumpy, and it wasn't just that which worried me, although it was a fair enough reason to be scared, but rather in case he woke up feeling defenceless.

Id heard from one of our colleagues at intelligence and close friends in and outside of work who had chatted about his experience of waking Jay up during one of his PTSD nightmares, and he had described his violent response which included how the situation was quite scary and heated for the both of them.

After hearing of his reaction, I knew that if it was me in Adams situation, with a fist flying towards my face, I wouldn't have been able to cope. This was something I had never encountered before, so I was glad for numerous reasons that the sleeping brick below me was dreaming silently with the faintest of smiles smudged across his lips.

Deciding against waking him up, I stood up straight. I knew he was sleeping happily, but the fear of awakening my past further than it had already been exposed too frightened me to the core.

I knew Jay would never lay a hand on me, I trust him more then anyone I've ever met, but he would have no idea who was waking him and could easily lash out in panic due to feeling defenceless and alone.

As I started to uncrumple and puff out the cushions which I had been lying upon, I heard slow movement behind me and instantly I turned around. A strangled laugh un-binded at my mouth as I saw Jay roll further across the floor and under the coffee table onto his back.

Before I had chance to worry about any safety hazards or consequences of the position he was so peacefully laying in, the deafening sound of his morning alarm echoed through his apartment. His phone began buzzing and consequently made the whole coffee table shake above him.

As soon as the sound reached his ears, which was almost immediately, his eyes snapped open, and his head came flying upwards. For the second time today a thump and another groan was heard and this time the laugh that I exhaled was no longer strangled, but instead had me gasping for air as tears sprinkled from my eyes.

Holding his head in his large hands, a tired and confused Jay directed his attention to me in surprise. Skipping forward, I silenced the alarm and we both let out a much-needed sigh in relaxation to the peace which had returned to our surroundings.

In one swift movement, Jay crawled out from his hibernating spot underneath the table and hopped to his feet. A slight layer of confusion was layered across his features, and straight away I felt terrible for finding his clumsiness so amusing.

"Jay... is your head okay?"

My voice was full of care as I stepped closer and reached towards his head, but my movements were cut short as he stepped back creating distance between the two of us.

"What are you doing in my apartment?"

This time I was the one to further enhance the length between us, his voice was full of confusion and immediately embarrassment was all I could feel.

"Oh... Erm... you let me crash on your couch?"

My answer came out more like a question and being perfectly honest, I was questioning myself. The only thing I wanted to do right now was run.

"Do you not remember inviting me in?"

As soon as the words left me, a teasing smirk was expressed across his face and instantly I knew what he had been up to.

"Hmmm let me think" he paused, droning out his response in attempt to make my reaction even more priceless than he'd already received.

"Do I remember spending the night on my couch with the most gorgeous girl I've ever met.... after she stole my pizza?"

"No it doesnt sound like it rings a bell..."

His teasing just kept coming, but I didnt mind one bit. All I cared about was that he did in fact remember, and that the events from last night up to the early hours of this morning were in fact real.

As I walked around the couch and scurried closer to him, his eyes widened as he looked down at me. At first, I was confused, but then it dawned on me, I was only wearing his t-shirt and my underwear.

I cowered my head and avoided meeting the gaze of Jay in front of me, although I could tell his eyes were only focused on my face.

"I'd never have thought you could look any better, but wow... you in my clothes is really something I'd like to see more often."

I chuckled at his flustered state and locked eyes with his, not budging my vision as I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around his bare torso. Humorously, I grabbed at the corners of his blanket, which had been wrapped tightly around his shoulders, and pulled it around the both of us as I snuggled into his chest in a clever attempt to regain the lack of warmth I was missing out on.

"I could get use to this."

After hearing those words leave Jay, excitement distinguished any nerves that remained inside of me. All that mattered at this moment was that we were together, in each others arms and refusing to let the other go.

"Me too"



I decided I am going to be working on both story's on my profile. Please go check out the other if you haven't already!

Thank you for reading and if you have any suggestions or ideas that you would like me to write about, please feel free to comment or direct message me.

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed!

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