Chapter 3: A familiar face

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What just happened?

Apart from the shattered beer bottle, this reunion couldn't be going any better. When I walked through the door my eyes immediately fell on him. Jay. Sitting with the rest of intelligence and looking miserable as he stared at his drink. No one looked up when me and Voight walked in, everyone was deep in conversation and most people in here were drunk or too tipsy to be fully aware of their surroundings.

However, when Jay stood up and our eyes locked I had not expected him to be so clumsy. Of course the sound of broken glass echoed through Mollie's causing the lively atmosphere to turn completely silent. People twisted themselves to look at Jay before following his line of sight and meeting me.

Luckily I was saved from embarrassment as Kevin walked passed Jay who looked....frozen? Kevin wrapped his arms around me, squashing me against his chest as the warmth closed in on me. When I looked back at Jay as Kevin let me go I saw Hermann standing back up from picking up the broken glass as Jays eyes left mine and landed on him. I saw Jay's face turn a light pink shade in embarrassment at something Hermann had said before slapping him on the cheek and returning to managing the bar.

After greeting a few others I made my way over to Jay and I couldn't help but smile at the fact he was right in front of me. Before I managed to say anything Jay picked me up by my waist and hugged me as he spun us around. Is he drunk?

When he put me back down I was flustered, it felt way too hot in this bar. All i could think about was being back in Chicago surrounded by those I care deeply for. I cleared my thoughts as I looked into Jay's eyes and his emotions, he seemed joyful but utterly shocked as his green eyes turned a shade darker.

We soon snap out of... whatever that was? as Voight's voice spoke. I had too much on my mind to concentrate on what he said so instead I followed Jay into the intelligence booth in the corner of the bar and I sat down next to him.

After all of the unit got their beers and tequila shots all eyes turned on me. I nearly choked on my drink at the amount of stares I was getting. I furrowed my eyebrows, did they want me to say something?

I cleared my throat and put my drink down, "Sorry I didn't tell you guys I was coming back, i thought it would be a nice surprise" when I said this I felt Jay tense at the side of me, he knows I was lying and he always does. What was i suppose to say? The truth! Yeah sure... ' Sorry I didn't tell you guys I was coming back in case you decided on planning a reunion party with the whole of Chicago ' because quite frankly I hate the attention, I always have but this was small and it felt good to be around everyone once again.

Eventually everyone decided to calm down and stop with the 20-questions every minute game where I seemed to be the only one answering and I immediately relaxed into my seat. I felt eyes burning through the side of my face so i turned and saw Jay looking at me with his eyebrows scrunched and an intense expression painted on his face. I lifted both of mine and widened my eyes at him as I waited for him to speak up.

This time, his eyes widened slightly and if I had blinked I would have missed it, " I'm just so happy I don't have to be partner up with that doofus anymore" Jay jokes whilst pointing to Adam with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. I know that's not what he was thinking about as he looked like he was holding onto his words and something inside him. He'll tell me soon enough, we know not to push each other instead we wait for the other person until their ready to talk. It's the thing that works between us and although he didn't tell me exactly what i was implying I chuckled at his banter before taking another swig of my beer.

Around ten minutes went by before Jay shouted his brother Will Halstead over to our booth. "Hey bro, your not usually here do you not have night shift?" Jay asks Will, slightly confused at the situation in front of him. Will shakes his head before clearing things up, "No actually one of my old buddies from Med School is back in Chicago and is staying with me for a while, he'll be here soon we're getting some beers". The excitement on Will's face is almost impossible to miss making Jay smile. "Your happy, since when are you every happy" Jay teases with a cheeky grin on his face causing Will to chuckle at his brother.

"Jay, I could say the same thing about you but I think the answer is sitting right next to you" Will smirks before winking at me and walking off. I immediately feel like locking myself away as the table erupts in fits of laughter.

I hear Jay groan beside me, clearly mad at his brother for embarrassing him. He turns to face me, " He's not wrong though I'm super glad your back" he says sincerely and quietly out of ear shot from anyone else on the table.

The corners of my lips tug slightly as I try and supress a smile I fail...again! So here I am smirking like an idiot, "It's good to be back" i say seriously and soon enough I fight the smile away and return to a calm state.

But that soon changes when Will approaches the table once again, he turns around and calls out a very familiar name before bringing his attention back on us. "Zac, over here!" he shouts. Oh no, just as my night was starting to get less awkward. Sure enough an extremely familiar face of a man in his twenties walks into view. He takes a stand next to Will and hands him his beer before scanning the table.

His eyes land on me and we both freeze in pure shock. You would be scared to! The guy to whom you confessed your love for another man happens to be friends with that man's brother and is now in front of you and everyone you know. I see Will looking between us both in confusion and I zone back to reality as Jay clears his throat.

"Hailey?" Zac tries to keep a straight face but fails as he starts chuckling into his palm leaving many confused faces around us. Zac, please don't say anything. I cross my fingers underneath the table for any sort of luck before replying, "Zac, certainly wasn't expecting to see you again" I try and say politely as possible.

"Me neither" he smirks also slightly uncomfortable, I wasn't the only one who shared a secret. Despite this I needed to get ahead of the situation that was unfolding in front of me before he ruins my relationship with Jay and there's no chance I'm risking that. Jolting up quickly I leave the booth and excuse myself whilst I drag Zac out of the bar. We stop on the sidewalk of the street feeling the crisp night air of Chicago hit us like a layer of bricks.

Worry was consuming my thoughts, I was struggling to even form a sentence in my mind let alone speak actual words. Zac must have sensed this or maybe he just saw my mouth opening and closing in hesitation as he speaks up first. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me, I have no idea how you know Will but it's good to see you" Zac speaks with slight uncertainty. I relax my shoulders and release a breathe i didn't know i was holding, I know he's telling the truth but I can tell that something is troubling him as he chuckles nervously at my reaction.

I nod at him with a gentil smile, "Thank you and likewise, your secret is safe with me". This time it's his turn to release a breathe of relief. Is it really that embarrassing for him to say he's never been in love. I just hope he sticks to his word.

After clearing that up we walk back inside Mollie's where Will seems to be deep in discussion with Jay sitting next to him. Adam and Kim must have joined another table so me and Zac slide into their previous seats. I was nearest the window this time, opposite Jay. What are the odds of this happening? To be perfectly honest I don't want to know.



I hope this chapter was enjoyable.

I'm not sure how many updates there will be this week as I have a lot of classes, but I will try my best!

Thanks for reading, any positive comments will be appreciated.

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