Chapter 2: Just who i wanted to see

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Making my way into the busy car park it was impossible not to spot Voight's black SUV near the exit. Squeezing and twisting my way in-between cars and families I finally reach my destination. Deciding to be cautious i gently knock a few times on the tinted window of the door informing him of my arrival.


Recognising the sound of the door unlocking I take it as my que, slowly I pull open the passenger side door and slide myself into the leather seat before shutting the door behind me. Immediately Voight reaches over and engulfs me in a quick hug which i gladly return. Hopefully that's a good sign, he better not send me back to New York. Before he leans back in his seat and stares at me with curiosity.

"So?..." he pauses for a second studying me once more before finishing, "How was New York?". Turning my body so I'm facing him I see his stern face showing no emotion readable. How is he so good at hiding his emotions, i need tips. I'm quickly shook from my thoughts when he raises an eyebrow at me, clearly he's confused as to why I'm staring at him and not answering the question.

I turned my attention away from him, "It was what i needed at the time but now I'm just happy to be back home... here in Chicago" i give him a half smile before looking through the windscreen. "Huh" he grunts , "Its good to have you back, now lets go to Mollies".

My eyes find his in an instant, "What? does everyone know I'm coming?" I ask as my heart begins to race. Oh no, i thought id have at least another day to come up with a plan. How am i going to greet Jay? Ugh there's no point in reading into it anymore, its going to be so awkward.

"Hailey, you still in there?" Voight asks clearly amused at my lack of concentration. I clear my throat in embarrassment, "Sorry what where you saying". I reply innocently, my minds already making me nervous and we haven't even set off yet.

"No , they don't know your going to be there but their going to be suspicious" Voight answers as he starts the engine and before i know it we are on the road.

"Wait- why will they be suspicious?" I ask deep in thought wondering what he meant by that.

"Come on Hailey, since when does Hank Voight accept Ruzeks offer to Mollies?", he replies dumbfounded causing me to giggle and shake my head before looking out of the passenger side window.

Seeing the night lights and friends laughing with each other on the sidewalks brings a smile to my face. This feels more like home.


2 weeks and 6 days , that's how long Hailey has been gone exactly and its killing me having to be partnered up with Adam instead off her. When she informed me of her transfer it felt like a piece of me broke slightly, the last thing id want on this earth is for her to leave my life permanently.

We both understood why Voight did what he did and sent Hailey to the FBI because despite her having the right intentions planting evidence is crossing the line.

Hailey came over to my apartment after staying behind at the district to speak with Voight. I knew what she had done, i think everyone did but chose to keep their mouths shut. As soon as i saw her i knew it hadn't been a good conversation. Her eyes were slightly blood shot and it was clear she had been crying.

We didn't talk much at first, i certainly knew not to push her so we would sit in silence , whiskeys in our hands as we enjoyed each others presence. This was something we did often, sometimes actions speak louder then words and in situations like that it was always the best option.

Once she told me the news off her transfer later that night i was shocked, i mean yes she had screwed up but Voight basically booting her out of Chicago felt a little extreme. But now looking back at it we both came to an agreement over the phone that maybe it was the right move after all.

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