Chapter 13: Time flies when your having fun

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Thoughts overwhelmed me as I drove back to my apartment, my fingers tapped restlessly on the steering wheel in an attempt to calm the range of emotions that had flooded my system.

The main feeling of pure joy and happiness had found its permanent spot on the built in throne that was placed in the centre of my emotional baggage and mind. But despite this, the guilt that I couldn't help but feel was slowly rising... and only a place behind in the race was my upcoming nerves. They were ascending, leaving a trail of goose bumps along my skin as they rose up my body originating from my feet.

Quickly squinting my eyes in an unbelievably poor attempt to push the unwanted emotions out of the landfill that was overflowing my skull, I clamped my hands around the wheel. My knuckles soon began to fade in colour and I could feel the heat building up slowly as my palms started to sweat.

Looking to my left I peered out of the side mirror and instantly relaxed as I noticed Hailey's car directly behind mine. My fingers which I had released were no longer handcuffed to the car and had began tapping once again on the leather material in front of me.

As I glanced around the street I had entered, the familiar houses picked up my heart-rate once more. We were close, a few more streets and she would be in my arms again.

The warmth that was felt between us as I held her was already a feeling I missed deeply. Despite the use of such a meaningful word, I was addicted. Addicted to her presence and everything she brought with her. Truthfully, I always have been but tonight had enlightened me on how her touch seemed to leave a permanent mark on me.

Luckily for me my breathing began to return to a relaxed pace as my excitement overloaded me. This caused my nerves to sink to the back of my brain and soon enough they gradually began to disappear.

After all, she has just told me of her plans to retire with me. If she is planning on sticking around for that long then there is no reason for me to worry about her leaving.

Based on the amount of time we have spent together since we met, I know she isn't one to go back on her word. The only way she will change her mind is if someone else initiates it. This is the reason for my guilt.

How can I hold her back from a life-changing opportunity? I just feel so responsible. Then again, if it had been the other way round between us then I would have chosen to stay.

Knowing this did not help in any way, the guilt was still there and it probably always will be...

Not long after passing the familiar backgrounds of my neighbouring streets we both arrive and park up outside my apartment building. I quickly hop out of my truck and lock it before making my way towards Hailey. She was leaning against the sandstone wall next to the entrance looking as glamorous as ever as the night sky reflected her features perfectly.

The smirk fixated on her face was impossible to miss and uncontrollably I mirrored her expression as I approached her. When I finally got close enough I gently grabbed her by the waist and pulled her swiftly into my chest.

Hailey seemed surprised at my actions but the giggle she had let slip and her arms which were now wrapped around my stomach had reassured me that the contact was indeed okay...

"Jay... as much as I'd love to just stay here with you, maybe we should go inside" Hailey advised trying to speak seriously but the smile she gave me once she had finished talking made my grip tighten around her as I pulled her even closer against me.

"Mmmm maybe" I tease playfully whispering as I fake-pout at her. All she does is laugh at my childish manor before removing her delicate arms from around my waist.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 || 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐨 𝐏𝐃 (𝐔𝐩𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝) Where stories live. Discover now