Chapter 12: Broken Boundaries

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Despite my heart racing faster then one could anticipate, the feeling of security and warmth envelopes me. The way his strong arms cradle my waist as he holds me protectively is enough to make my stomach swell.

A million feelings fogged my mind but at this savoured moment, nothing else mattered to either of us. The tension, which we had blatantly ignored, had built up drastically these past four years. But here we are, we have broken our boundaries... together.

Not caring how long we had been embracing each other, i relaxed further into his touch and affection. I still hadn't processed the situation happening before me, nor had I come to terms with my supposed "confession" towards Jay. Not once would I have thought I'd have the courage to speak like I did, but in that moment I was desperate. Seeing the broken look that Jay had been trying but failing miserably to hide I had no choice. I could not see him go through more pain. Jay had already felt and suffered so much, I knew this and therefore I acted. But most importantly, I feel no regret.

Feeling Jay smile deeper into the kiss I giggled softly. We both pulled back, but only enough to catch our breathe once more. He lent his forehead down and rested it on mine as his arms were still wrapped around me, holding me nearer his height. As my eyes fluttered open I blushed without a second glance as I saw Jay's eyes fixated on me in deep thought. The smile was still there but his stare was intense and intimidating, once again sending a shiver through my body.

But once his smile faltered, my heart sank. As fast as I had originally gleamed in happiness, it was all replaced with embarrassment and a thick lump of insecurity was blocking my airway within seconds.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that", his voice was gentle but rough on the edges as his tone shifted into seriousness. Releasing a needed sigh I could not stifle the barely noticeable chuckle that soon came after. I felt idiotic, to think that Jay would pursue something so personal to both of us only to then regret it soon after was not him. Despite the lack of physical contact in the time we have known each other, this felt so... normal. Almost as if we had been doing it all along, except the sparks and excitement never left us.

A whole new dynamic and acceptance had been uncovered between us, there is no certainty for the future we may hopefully have together but you can say that about anybody. If we agreed to do this, and I certainly hope we do, then professionalism will be key. Our jobs are dangerous, each day I wake up knowing that there is a possibility of not making it home and I know Jay feels this too. Therefore, we have to do everything in our power to ensure we are the safest we can definitely be in whichever situation we have entered.

Feeling a soft and tingling sensation on the side of my face I look up and subconsciously lean further into his warmth and welcoming touch before gently closing my eyes in enjoyment. Being unable to supress my growing smile I cannot help but grin like a Cheshire cat. Despite appearing strangely at this particular time the embarrassment of what I look like is subsided. Happiness is overwhelming me, and for the first time in my life I feel whole.

Jay's light and delicate laugh causes me to open and narrow my eyes on his amused expression. "Why are you smiling like that?" he asks timidly, the slightest shyness in his words only make him more admirable. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him even closer, pressing us together once more. The painted smile on my face only makes his grow wider until it reaches his ears, I lean forward until I can feel his soft breathes against me.

Gradually each inhalation of air he takes and releases grows uneven, feeling the desperation of my touch and initiation radiating of him makes a teasing smirk replace the view in front of him as he continues to stare at my lips.

"Your such a tease" he whispers slowly before collapsing his head in the crook of my right shoulder. As he snuggles further into my neck I embrace him once more as my hands slide to his muscular back.

"Shh, you love it" I remind him cheekily. The heat on my shoulder disappears as his head is once again rested on mine, forcing me to look at him. Despite the darkness of the night swallowing us from all sides, the glow of the moonlight reflects his eyes of nature as he refuses to look away from me.

Smirking slightly he brushes his lips with mine, still not kissing, his lips stay hovering as he begins to talk once more. This time, my breathing seems to become uneven and I realise this was his plan of revenge against my earlier actions. Playfully, I nudge his shoulder with my hand. He does not move. Instead, the grip on my waist with his right hand becomes tighter as our bodies become flushed together.

"Hmm" he murmurs before connecting our lips once again. As we pull and push each other closer, time flies. Around ten minutes had passed before we decided to stop, despite both our protests it was becoming way to heated for outside weather...

I pull away from the kiss before dropping my head into his chest as his arms allow me to lower and fall back down to my original height. Blushing uncontrollably I hide deeper in his arms and after another lengthy period of time I attempt to lift my head but fail drastically.

"Nooo, just..." He takes a pause "Let me just hold you... just a little longer?" he asks and I don't need to see his face to be able to recognise the pout that I can practically hear in his pleading voice.

Letting out small laugh, I wrap my hands further around him. "Yes Jay.... just a little longer" I reply softly, secretly wishing we could stay like this forever.

Eventually we separate from our hold but Jay immediately wraps his arms around me protectively, as if he is hiding me from the cool breeze constantly hitting us as we make our way to the car park.

He turns me so we are facing each other, Jay brings up our connected hands and places a quick kiss on my knuckles. "I know it's late but have you eaten yet" I ask nervously. Luckily his answer relaxes me, "No, have you?" he asks genuinely curious, shaking my head he steps closer to me.

"How about you come to mine, we can order some takeaway and you are welcome to sleep over, only if that's what you would like " he asks making sure not to push me, which I appreciate although there is no need.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan" I send him a thoughtful smile and it soon widens as I think about food. I'm shocked how I have managed so long without devouring anything edible in sight. It's a good job I had that ice cream...

"Okay, well I am starving!" he says before returning my expression and leaning in once again, giving me one last gentle peck before we separate and head to our cars

I follow him all the way to his house. The job offer from New York had completely shifted from my mind, and to think I feel no regret or hesitation about refusing the offer is overall quite worrying. I know me and Jay have an attachment, we always have, our partnership and bonding was the main reason for this.

Everything about this night so far, has developed a happiness and sensation that I have never experienced before. All I can hope for is that we can get through any obstacles that may interrupt our path and future.

Relationships come with problems, me and Jay have had numerous arguments but we always find a way to resolve them and therefore a huge understandment and respect has been built between the two of us.

Hopefully our growing emotions will not cloud this, and instead build our confidence in one another even more....



Late updates have become more frequent, but I break away for Easter soon and therefore schoolwork won't be as persistent.

Thanks for everyone still sticking around and enjoying this so far...

Any suggestions or characters you would like to see please leave down in the comments.

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