ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟞

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Cassie sat in a compartment with her friends on the Hogwarts express on their way home.

"I still dont get why you broke up with her. I thought she was great." Caelum said which made Cassie roll her eyes "Its not about what you think, its about what I think and she was rude, thats why I ended it."

Caelums eyebrows furrowed as Daphne interjected "Maybe she'll take you back if you apologize now? She does really like you."

"I have no reason to apologize to her." Cassie stated while Caelum scoffed "All she did was insult a mudblood."

Cassie looked at him in disbelief, how could he be so ignorant. "Will you stop with the slurs?!

"Why should he, its not like hes offending you. Now I say that you should quit talking to that mudblood Granger and try to get Sam back." Daphne exclaimed which just made the raven haired girl even angrier

Cassie scoffed "No, I dont want her back!" She exclaimed as she got up and left the compartment, slamming the door.

She walked down the narrow aisle, peeking into each compartment to find the golden trio. Once she spotted the three Gryffindors she opened the door with a small smile "May I come in?"

The three smiled cheerfully, Hermione moved over and patted the seat next to her while Harry nodded "Of course."

Cassie took a seat next to Hermione while the bushy haired girl stared at her "Are you alright?"

Cassie shrugged "Yeah, its just Caelum and Daphne." Harry looked at her questioningly "What'd they do?"

The raven haired girl sighed as she looked down "Its nothing, they just keep pushing me to get back with Sam."

"Whos Sam?" Ron asked. "My ex-girlfriend." Cassie responded.

"Oh." Ron said lowly. Hermione rolled her eyes at the redhead and looked back towards Cassie "Do you want to?"

Cassies eyerbrows furrowed as her face contorted in disgust "N-No, God no, of course I dont want to shes an arse, but they like her because shes a..." Cassie trailed off.

"A pureblood." Hermione finished while Cassie nodded "Yeah and thats about the only requirement for someone I date." The three 3rd years looked at the raven haired girl sincerely.

"Im sorry Cassie." Harry said while Hermione put a hand on the girls shoulder and rubbed it soothingly. Cassie didnt know why but it seemed that whenever Hermione touched her, she left a trail of fire on the girls skin even if there was a layer of clothing over it.

"Its alright, Im not listening to them anymore. Anyway, are you all going to the quidditch world cup at the end of summer?" Cassie asked the group while they all nodded. "Yeah, me and Sirius are going with Hermione and the Weasleys." Harry said.

Cassie smiled "Alright, then Ill see you all there."
The train had finally arrived at the station as students started filing out of the exits. Harry and Ron left the compartment. Cassie was about to walk out the door before Hermione grabbed her hand, making the girl turn around.

"Write me when you get home." Hermione said softly while Cassie nodded trying to focus when all she could think about was Hermiones hand that gripped hers "I will."

"Alright Granger, lets get you home."

The two girls walked out on the platform as they both looked at eachother.

"Ill write you at least once a week, but you have to too." Cassie said as Hermiones face broke out into a grin "Deal." The bushy haired girl said before wrapping her arms tightly around Cassies neck.

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