that what you heard and said was me dreamimg

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He run over my DAUGHTER I saw the vision and the voices came from my dreaming. ..the truth came out ..and I yelled tech support tech support. ......I heard a woman say Ahorita  lo van a matar. Ahorita ya. ollo... oh ya salio. you KNOW. ....TRUTH. .....

I just opened my eyes after answering someone's question in my sleep. ON WHY AM I CREATOR? and I replied somthing .

BECUASE I am the only one that can define life AND meaning with just one WORD. ....... somthing like this ...might explain the book of LIFE. ......I'm not sure it faded away as soon as I opened my eyes. ...but the ANSWER I replied was somewhat like THAT. ....THEN I SAW THE LAMP. ....THE BLINDSHADES. AND THE CLOUDS.. AND I THOUGHT THAT QUESTION THAT QUESTION. ...IS IT GOOD ENOUGH. ......IS IT WORTHY. .....IS THIS THE REPLY FROM A CREATOR...........Joan Osbourne. MUSIC

DEFINE LIFE. ...with just one WORD. ................WOW

           Pope I'm waiting for your CALL this is my phone NUMBER.     702. 273-5170. But you already know THAT. ............,..................................................................................................................,...................

Rudy are you up THERE. that you up THERE Rudy. .....Rudy. ..........I thought I felt you up THERE. it you I thought. I heard Carlos its me Rudy and about my eyes. you COUSIN. .....I sure hope you are ALIVE... because I never  believed  It. .didnt want to .......but I realised that we are in my world ...and this is all a DREAM my DREAM. you are and it is written in my book that we are ALIVE all three of US. .....,,ME you and your BROTHER.'s got to do with the crosses. .the three crosses. ........In the end and passion Of Christ. Our past past my book your aren't SUPOSED be GONE. are the one that says in the passions of Christ. ....YOU say your God GET us off this CROSS. ......and the birds the crows came picking your HEAD. you know why in the end I represent all three of us and our selves. you. .in the name of the father the son and the holy SPIRIT ..hope to see you SOON. ......  the biggest dinosaur. .....TV,,, real TIME. ..when I put this it's because of what I listen TOO realtime on the tele vision ..........I'm going to make sure your children and YOUR children's children be blessed all us time AFTER Time. ......YOU aren't supposed to be GONE. are supposed to be HERE PLEASE Still be HERE is speaking about a zip line and a guard TOWER and how they didn't shoot. .......And building TOWERS. .......and we have to hatch our next mad plan.  Encridably brave or incredibly CRAZY. ........microlite take offs and landings. .............flying. ...

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