record would you take a picture of your mind and THOUGHT.?

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                  By Writing

                 Your Sins,,and keeping A record of THEM,,,Kim jong UN. This is why there is PRISONS. ..and my CHURCHES. ...My God. My BOOK. But everyone claims Jesus and they come out transformed Chritians ...dam that's how I am in leadership But if they only understood me then they would really be FREE if they new my NAME. My CHURCH. They would be FREE. But they dont know ME, they are all liars. ...they don't understand ME....they go back out and SIN. ....SIN use Jesus. .....use the BIBLE. ...hypocrites.  all of you. That curse my church ...and my NAME. ....curse all YOU liars and pretenders. ..hell  YES I like kim jong UN. ...and Putin. ...everyone else that ignores me is a God dam disgrace! !!!!!!!!!!' TRUTH

            CARLOS E. PILAR


So I as I'm about To head out, I ask do you need somthing other then quarters to my STEPFATHER.'s ok he SAYS.    Tommorow. He can wash ..........left elevator Open ohh NO..... I am asked how I am DOING. ..I say hello. ...I HEAR. A balcony door slide shut HARD possibly a window. .airplane. ....another airplane. ..CARS. flashing right signal I CROSS. keys making sound. ...look at the wheel and the las Vegas blvd casino's ignore the trash that I see,,,how can you ignore IT if you see IT? ???well I don't or try my best not to think about DIRTY.....your thinking about the casinos. mind is going there yes ,,,,but I don't want to. .I clear my throat. ....hear an airplane see IT. .......everything is there for a REASON don't IGNORE. ......well I'm not going to pick it up if that's what your trying to convince Me to DO. ........there's TO MUCH. much as I would like to behave as sponge Bob,,, i am not RIGHT NOW. .......heard a popping noise vehicle Black male. alarms. alarms alarms. .....a woman She says she's so tired. ....organizing organization at the target. .........SEE a nice sexy black female with a MAN. ...didn't think farther than THAT. ...butt. .....waist. the men's wear. ........looking for black hooded Sweater. .found one to big.I put it back and think zip it zip IT. ...see another sweater Zipper ,Hanes, hanger says med. But the tag reads SMALL. ..find one with out zipper .....and its SMALL. ........SMALL SMALL SMALL. My hands want to zip up the jacket I already have on but,,I there somthing else that you might Like. ........or try ON. .......where you at miles?A woman SAYS while I think if I want somthing else miles.!?! ...don't want nothing else. ......ok. ...let's take a walk outside. ......LEFT shoe unties... I tie. ..and see a the WOMAN who is looking for mIles is squating says ILl SEE you TOMORROW. ....all a sudden everyone is talking ......what in the WORLD.???? ........I can't keep up with IT. ...HMMMM. outside front of target. ..sighn in the trunk says it's game TIME. .........another taxi.  Ferraros. ........woman smoking. .I breathe. keys. .......ketchup package on the floor. .............woman inside her jeep all ALONE. She looks at me I smile. Big smile. .........REMEMBER about my STEPFATHER and him talking. About throwing away the box he received his package from. .look at the dumpster and its full of boxes. .........two skaters. ..why diD you remember about the box. ..because the dumpster I just walked by is full of boxes. sister ANNA she wanted my STEPFATHER. To speak SPANISH. hut box......a female ,,,I check her out,,,, she smiled...turn around and because I hear a man dragging his FEET. Awful. ...that's so awful............dried palm branches on the side Of the Rhode ..............ketchup empty packet. that drags his feet walks back the other WAY. ........see a black rubber boot next to a light post. that drags his feet walks pass me AGAIN. .....a bike rider,,, a sighn at bus STOP and a child's brain development. ..........walking down Maryland. left arrow. ......yellow... RED. WALK. .............timing count down 20 19 2..........CROSS BUTTON NOT WORKING. .....TAX TIME... MOVE IN. FLYER. ..........I dONT WAIT FOR TO CROSS TO THE OTHER SIDE  ANYMORE. ....WOW I FIND THE OTHER BLACK RUBBER BOOT IN THE RHODE BY THE TRAFFIC NO TRAFFIC ...AND DONT PICK IT UP. ..THEY LOOK GOOD TO. ......SLOW DOWN!!!!BUS STOP SIGHN! !!!..firestorm complete auto CARE. ...........were open. .........walking towards the park NOW.   Airplane. ........woman walking. ...a motor cycle doing the throttle THING wheeler reality. you really do all THIS?....SOMTIMES. .........needless to SAY. A man says...Then the other man. . somthing about credit cards. ...........airplane. sitting in a dark area at the PARK I'm walking its DARK. there somthing that you'd LIKE.?.....airplane. .......what about it? I hear it ...maybe I want to travel. ........this is what I'm DOING. ......airplane. ...........police suv. ..breaks ...squeak. ....... let two cars go BY. I CROSS .....palmall carton of cigs. ........look up at the sky and see a star. ..............I'm hungry. ....i"Ll eat what is at home..... and stepfather MADE. ........biker red flashing. LIGHT. ........crosses. ....................camel... and Marlboro carton of ciggs. .......on floor. ........and I'm HERE ..back AGAIN. ........I breathe........ like I'm not HAPPY. I'm just fed up and tired. ....right elevator. ....smells like weed in the hallway. ...............mixture of wines. to the MOON. ..I can be your guide. one comes close to ME permission to fly. this one's lucky. .......hmmmmmm.  saved my life survival of the most idiotic the truth is you got me into this and I have no intention BEING alone with these PEOPLE. ..bow to our CHURCH. ..all this is real time on television. ..wake up were almost THERE. .....Jurassic. park MOVIE  Third. .............MY stepfather SAYS. ..somthing about the mafia. .....MAN. ..............and I'm done I'm here. ...........Alfa MAle. it possible to retrace your own thoughts,,, and mind,,,,along with your conscience VOICE ,,,,,,and all that you pile up on the daily basis how Mich of it do you USE for your DREAM. .........

                  TRUTH. ......

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