Target Aquired

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It was coming up to one hour now, I'd been stationed outside the boundaries of lmanburg peaking through cracks in the obsidian walls, waiting, trying my best not to look inconspicuous as possible. I didnt know much about the case, only that my target was in the drug van at 10 o'clock and that he was wearing a long brown coat. I'd know him when I saw him, apparently. I heard some raised voices and the clattering of potion bottles. It was coming from the van. A short while later, the lights flickered off and my target appeared closer. He looked both ways allowing me to get a glimpse of his features, a sharp jawline and rugged smile, Wilbur...

I had been assigned to assassinate my brother.

Wilbur and I used to be close as children but as the years grew longer we spent less time together, almost acting as if the other just didn't exist. We began to resent each other for it even thought it wasn't really anyone's fault. I began to go into training for battles, feeling empowered by the rush of winning a war, I began to grow in ranks heading straight to the top of the pecking order now without contact for the person who used to keep me grounded. Wilbur on the other hand became a leader, he tried to avoid war and lead his country to a different kind of victory, a place for friends and family, being at peace for a while.
... but if Wilbur is so sweet and innocent then why was I assigned to assassinate my brother, A leader, a lover, a friend to all...
As a child Wilbur was   ....different to say the least, he never really chose to show the other side of him, I knew the real him while the 'heroic' 'brave' actions he took to look after his country led him to believe he had power, let's be real here, it went to his head. Some would say he became more egotistical than me. Once this information came to the kingdom in which I worked, the whispers walking down the streets of the new president of lmanburg had declared war,

Wilbur had declared war.

The same man who as a child made sure to hug every teddy before bed, who was scared whenever a storm passed, the same bloody guy who swore to protect a nation against all harm.
Now I'm left to deal with his shit just like before, I had to assassinate the person I knew as my sweet, Sweet brother.
What kind of man promises love but declares war, he didn't just declare it he thrived off of it, and not only on just a random nation, but it just so happened to be the nation I lived, worked, breathed in.. Why Wilbur why.

If you hated me, then talk to me yourself don't confront the whole nation for some grudge you held only with me, because maybe I wouldn't be currently stood slightly out of earshot preparing how I will bring you to your knees ready to say your last words, Wilbur if only you just tried to talk to me, this arrow wouldn't be heading straight towards your back, if only you listened to what I had to say the blood seeping out wouldn't have come from me, Wilbur if only you had listened to yourself speaking and see how truly dumb you sounded maybe you wouldn't be dead from the hands of someone you once called 'brother'.

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