24. chapter

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M/N: "Dress that dress which we bought."

Y/N: "That's a great idea." I took from the closet my red dresses with tiny white flowers.

R: "Can we go?" Remus came from the corner. "Wow." He stopped. "Wow. You look amazing."

M/N: "See? I told you." She punched me into my arm.

We went down through the hall, it was same way like to great hall. We stopped before the doors.

R: " I will put a scarf on your eyes. Don't look." He smiled and tied a scarf around my eyes.

Then I heard the door open and we entered into the hall. I was so nervous. M/N untied the scarf and I saw all the teachers before me. They started clapping. Remus came to me and hugged me around my shoulders and with a second hand he handed me a glass.

R: "I'm so happy that you all came. Some of you know, some don't, but this is an engagement party. I proposed Y/N and... she said yes."

Everyone started clapping and congratulating us.

R: "And I wanted through this party invite all of you on our wedding." He smiled at me.

Party was very good. We were talking, eating and celebrating. Everyone were happy for us. I was melting my hearth. Remus was all the time next to me and I was feeling like princess.

R: "I need to go on toilet." He whispered. "I will be back soon." He left.

I was speaking with M/N. We were dancing and lightning.

M/N: "Oh I'm so happy Y/N." She smiled.

L: "Hello. Can I interrupt you?"

Y/N: "Hello, professor."

L: "I came to congratulate you. I'm sorry for my behavior."

Y/N: "It's okay. Thank you."

Remus then interrupted us and stood between us. "What do you want?"

I pulled him away. "Remus! He just came congratulate us and apologize."

Remus frowned and resigned. It was past midnight and people were slowly leaving. We went back to the room.

Y/N: "Come here." I told Remus who was sitting behind the desk. He turned on the chair and smiled at me.

R: "Give me a second I need to repair these tests and I will be right with you."

I put down shirt and throw it on him. He put it on his shoulder and continued repairing.

R: "I have it." He jumped on the bed and laid on me.

He stated kissing me over my head. I was laughing, his beard was thickening me. I roll him over and laid on him.

R: "I can't wait to marry you." He was stroking my bare back.

Y/N: "I can't wait too."

R: "What do you think about next weekend?"

Y/N: "What? It's 7 days. I don't have even dresses."

R: "Yes. But you can go shopping this weekend with M/N. You can do girls day. And I will do other things."

Y/N: "You know that you are the best man in the world?" I kissed him.

R: "I know. That is the reason why you are marrying me." He said through a kiss and rolled me.

We were cuddling all night while we fell asleep.

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