14. chapter

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Christmas was over and the students were slowly returning back to school. They began to prepare for studying.

Y/N: "No, no." I said out loud.

R: "What's up Y/N? What's going on?"

Y/N: "I forgot we had wrote an essay about a love potion."

R: "And? I don't see a problem."

Y/N: "Well, the problem is that I have to hand it over tomorrow and it must have at least 20 pages."

R: "2O pages?" He spat out the water he had just drunk. "My goodness. Who told you that? "

Y/N: "Severus."

R: "Well, that makes sense. Never mind, I'll help you. Just give me a second. I have to find one book." He said and began rummaging through the books.

Y/N: "Do you know you're the best man in the world?" I smiled.

R: "I got her." He sat down on the couch and patted his hand on the seat next to him.

I sat down next to him and laid my feet over him. He began to run with his fingertips gently over my bare feet. I picked up a piece of paper and a pen and waited for what would happen. Remus started reading from the book and I started making notes. As he read, he began to run his hand gently through his hair.

Y/N: "Do you know you're very sexy when you are teaching me?" I said and sat down on his lap.

R: "Yes?" He asked with intention.

He bend backward his head and pulled me closer to his chest. I could feel his manly hands on my ass. His hands were rough but full of love. Our chests came together. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. His heartbeat quickened I could feel it.

R: "You know I could teach you a lot more." He smirked and brushed the hair from my neck so he could kiss me on it. The touch of his wet lips made me get goosebumps. "No. No Y/N. We have to finish it. " He said strictly. "If you will not have it you will have detention, if you will have detention you will not be with me. Which means I will survive one day without sex." He crossed his arms.

"What if I can't stand it?" I asked him provocatively and started moving. My hands were slowly going through his chest. He let out a quiet gasp.

R: "But I need to be strong. I will survive one day. Detention would be longer."

Y/N: "I'm amazed." I laughed and climbed down from him.

The essay had no end. It seemed like time was running back. My eyelids slowly began to close. Until I fell asleep completely. The pencil fell out of my hand and rolled into the study. Remus just smiled and carried me to bed. In the morning, I found a completed essay on the table and Remus sleeping next to me. I kissed his forehead, he just toppled over on me and continued sleeping. I dressed myself and left the bedroom. "He must be up all night." I thought. Today started with elixirs with Professor Snape. It was a fiasco.

S: "How can you not have an essay, Mr. Longboton?" Snape hissed. "You've had the whole holidays! What were you doing?"

N: "Yes. Yes. I lost it. " Nevill said, frightened.

S: "I'm taking 10 points from Gryffindor."

He collected the remaining essays and began to read them. You could only see cutting with a large black quill dipped in red ink. And he was mumbling something. After an hour, he slammed the essay folder and walked away.

The day continued with defense.

L: "Hello students. Today I invited Professor Snape to assist me in a duel. Do not worry. When it's over, you'll still have your potions teacher." He said and winked at me.

Snape looked disgusted and walked over to Lockhart. They greeted themselves with wands in a quick, swift motion and bowed. Then they went on the other side of the longitudinal stage.

L: "3... 2... 1."

S: "Ex... peliarmus." Snape said and knocked Lockhart to the ground.

Lockhart stood up quickly and walked over to Snape. "I knew exactly what you wanted to do. I just wanted to show the students."

S: "Next time, you should teach students defense first." Snape smiled and left the classroom.

The class was over and I tried to leave as soon as possible. When the door closed before me. Again, I was locked up alone with Lockhart in one room.

L: "Miss Y / N. Are you in a hurry?"

Y/N: "No. Why?"

L: "That I'm glad." He grinned. "Where did we end up at the ball? When Lupine interrupted us so uncomfortably. " He talked and slowly approached me.

Y/N: "I don't know what you're talking about." I lied and tried to avoid him.

He grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me close.

L: "Well, well. What game do you want to play with me here? You'd be more agreeable to Remus, wouldn't you?"

Y/N: "I do not know what you are talking about. Oh, it hurts. Let me go." I said and tears began to flow from the pain in my eyes. I pulled away from him and walked to the door.

L: "Don't turn your back on me Y/N!" He said and pushed me against the wall. I could feel like he was growing. He started kissing me on the neck. "I will always have what I want."

Then the door flew open and Remus burst into the classroom.

Y/N: "Remus!" I shouted.

He pushed Lockhart away from me and stood in front of me. I hid behind his back and shivered. I gently held him by the knitted sleeve of his sweater and had no intention of letting him go.

R: "What's going on here?" He asked angrily.

L: "Nothing. What should happen? Miss Y/N came to see me because she wanted to help with something." He leaned on his side to get a better look at me through Remus and smirked.

R: "It didn't look like miss Y/N was here voluntarily." He frowned.

L: "I don't understand what's bothering you, Remus. You have nothing to work?" Lockhart raised his voice.

Remus pull out the wand. He grabbed Lockhart by the collar and pulled him to see his frightened face. He pressed the wand to his neck until it sank into his pale skin.

R: "Stay away from her, Lockhart!" He squeezed through his teeth and let him go.

Lockhart adjusted his shirt and gently ran his hand over his hair. "Oh. I see. So you fuck with her Remus" He smiled slyly. He looked at me and said. "But, dear. You have on better. I'm better than Remus."

Remus stood between us and frowned at Lockhart. "Once you touch her with your tentacles, I'm not responsible for me." He turned and chased me in front of him.

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