6. chapter

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I fell asleep! This day could not have been worse. My first lesson was defense. I flew into the classroom like a storm.

L: "Miss Y/N, I was already afraid you would leave me."

Y/N: "I'm sorry, professor, I fell asleep, I have no idea how it could have happened." I answered on the way to the desk.

L: "Miss Y/N, that you will not have to be cut off one minute of my presence, we'll have two days detention." He grinned.

"Well, only thing I needed." I thought. M N looked at me sympathetically and continued to take notes. The lesson went quite fast, we took over the nargles, small creatures. Thank God for the Luna, which is good in these themes. We wouldn't have learned much without her. I don't think Lockhart would have known what his name was if he hadn't said it every day in front of the mirror. I tried to focus on the notes in the textbook, but when I looked around, the class was completely empty except for Lockhart. He sat at the table across from me and smiled.

L: "We are obviously alone here."

Y/N: "Hahaha." I laughed nervously.

L: "So Miss Y / N. How do we punish you for your late arrival? " He asked me slimily and slowly approaching to me. "You will spend a beautiful three days with me. Do not worry. So how can we fill our time? " he smiled and rolled up his sleeves.

Sweat swept over me. "If he gets any closer to me, I'll slap him." I thought.

L: "You have never done anything better in your life. You will help me write to my fans. "

Y/N: "Fu." I exhaled.

We sat down at his desk and Lockhart pulled out a full box of letters. I don't understand that anyone is writing to him. I picked the first letter out of the box.

Dear Gilderoy,

I'm your biggest fan. I have all your books. I would like to ask you if you could give me a strand of your hair. I will sleep with them every night.

I love you.

Your fan number one.


"Ugh disgusting." I thought.

We sat there for three hours until he let me go.

L: "So Miss Y / N. See you again tomorrow. "

Y/N: "Of course." I said and left the classroom as soon as possible.

I went to dinner like a shadow. Those three hours with Lockhart exhausted me like I ran a marathon. I sat down at the table and began rummaging with a fork in the plate. Everyone around me debated and feasted. I created various shapes from the porridge I had scooped on the plate. I sat there until almost everyone left the hall. Then I felt someone sit next to me.

R: "Y/N are you okay?"

Y/N: "Yes, I'm just a little tired." I answered and continued to look at the plate.

R: "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me tomorrow after school?" He smiled and looked at me from below to see my face.

Y/N: "I'd love to go, but I have detention." I answered sadly.

R: "After school? With who?"

Y/N: "With Lockhart."

R: "Ou. I already understand why you're so upset. If anything happens, tell me and I'll take care of it. "

Y/N: "Well, thank you." I smiled. "I'll survive somehow."

R: "Well, OK. I'd like to stay here with you, but duty calls." He smiled and left.

* >< *

The next morning was a weekend. And how do you ruin a weekend? Just by having a detention with Lockhart. I'd rather go to a forbidden forest than spend time with him with letters from his fans.

L: "Ah, good to see you, Miss Y/N. I'm glad you're going." He smiled at me.

I sat down next to him at the table, where I had already prepared a chair. There was a large pile of his photographs on the table. He handed me half of them and told me to start signing them. I thought it would never end.

After signing for a moment, he said, "How to spend more beautiful day than signing my photos?" He smiled and signed his photo.

"Well, I could imagine a lot of things." I thought.

L: "Miss, I have heard praise for you." He broke the silence.

Y/N: "Well, I don't know." I laughed.

L: "Oh please. I heard that you're a very inteligent young witch."

Y/N: "Oh really?" I laughed. "Who told you?"

L: "Many professors. Professor McGonagal, professor Sprout, professor Snape..."

"What? Snape?" I think for myself.

Y/N: "So thank you, I think."

The next hours were in silence.

L: "Okay miss, you can leave." He winked at me. "But if you want to stay here, I won't mind."

Y/N: "Thank you professor, but I'm in a hurry for M/N. I promised her I would stop by her. " I lied.

I took all my things and left the classroom. "Tomorrow I will have an DAADA class I can't wait. I'll finally see Remus. I guess I'm starting to like him, I miss him." I said to myself on the way to the astronomical tower. I adore this place and especially on those starry nights. I sat myself on the edge and started watching stars. I think I never saw the sky so clean like today. The stars were shining like a million candles. The night was so peaceful, owls were flying and honking. I was thinking about my life, about my past and future. About school, about Remus. "No! He is professor. No, I can't like him. He doesn't like me. I'm his student." I couldn't stop my mind. Everything around me was so peaceful. The wind was slowly blowing around me, to my hair. Big globe which was in the middle of the room was squeaking.

"Hello miss Y/N." Someone said from behind I stand up in the moment. "I see that I'm not the only one who like this place for cleaning the mind." From shadow came to me old man in long dresses. His white long hairs were falling on his chest and his snow white beard were long to his knees. It was Dumbledore.

Y/N: "Hello professor. I'm sorry I didn't know that someone are here too."

D: "Don't be sorry my dear. I know that sometimes is life very hard."

I sit again.

D: "Yes. Sometimes it is very hard and we do not know what to do, which way to choose. I see that something is bothering you."

Y/N: "Thank you professor. I'm just tired. Nothing with I can't deal with." I smiled at him.

He came to me and looked on the stars.

D: "Stars there are always beautiful."

Y/N: "Yes they are."

We were looking on the stars. Sometimes an owl came and sat on the railing. She honk and flew away.

D: "Love is painful, but love make us who we are. Do not pity the dead, pity the living and, above all those who live without love." He said and disappeared in shadow.

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