13. chapter

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The next morning began with a class of elixir. I entered a dark, damp classroom.

S: "Miss Y / N. You're very soon here." Snape said angrily.

Today, I was really not in the mood for someone to dictate or blame me. I turned to leave. Snape's voice stopped me, "But you can sit down if you want."

It jerked with me. "What?" I thought.

I sat down in my seat, unloaded the textbooks, leaned against the wall, and buried my head in the backrest. I was so tired. After a while, the class began to fill with students.

S: "As the Christmas holidays approach, you will write me parchments on the subject of the consequences of the elixir of love. What it causes and what are its disadvantages. You can start writing here or leave."

Everyone started packing and leaving the classroom. I stayed in class and started writing some notes.

S: "Miss Y / N. Can you please come here?! "

I stood up and come to his desk.

S: "Sit please." He pointed on chair. "What's going on?" He looked on me.

Y/N: "What? Nothing."

"Wait, wait. Did Snape really asked me if it's something going on? Does it bother him at all? " I said in my head.

S: "I see that something is not alright with you."

Y/N: "No, nothing happens." I smiled. "I'm just a little tired." I said.

Snape raised an unbelievable eyebrow.

Y/N: "Thank for ask but I have to go." I smiled at him.

S: "Okay." He make little grinch.

I left the classroom and went to the library.

R: "Y/N. I knew I would find you here.I would like to ask you if you would like to spend Christmas with me? So if you want to." He smiled.

This is exactly what I needed today. My face light up. "Yes." I was excited. "I will love to." I hugged him.

All holidays I spent the in Hogwarts. While everyone was at home during the holidays, I tried to fill my time with various activities. That's why I was pleased to be able to spend Christmas with someone. And with remus it will be amazing.

R: "We could go to Diagon Alley today. I need to pick up something."

Y/N: "That's a great idea." I smiled. "And then we could go to the three brooms." I added.

R: "Very good idea. We'll meet at the gate. And dress up warm. he point me on my nose.

* >< *

Y/N: "I am here!" I jumped from behind.

Remus smiled at me. "Somehow this scarf is teasing me."

I approached him and began to repair his scarf. I tucked it into his coat, he grabbed my hand gently and kissed me. He put his hand on me so I could grab and we go. Everything around was as white as in a fairy tale. There were imprints left in the snow and a slight creak could be heard under our weight. The frost stung our cheeks, leaving it pink. We came to the sidewalk that led to Diagon Alley, but it was almost invisible under the snow. Only the low stone fence indicated where to go. The trees slept under a thin white blanket, and the stream that had once flowed under the bridge we were crossing was now frozen. We reached the finish line and ran into the first store to warm up. The heat completely overwhelmed us. I began to feel my fingertips slowly unfrozing.

R: "Y/N wait for me here please. I'll be here in a minute." He said and ran somewhere.

I started to crawl around. We were in a small shop full of everything. I walked around the shelves with various goods. The wooden floor followed me with its creaking. Small figures, household items, pens, wands... everything you could think of. Suddenly I saw a beautiful tie. It was a black tie with hundreds of stars which were embroidered with silver thread. "Yes, that will be it. Remus will like that." I said to myself. I managed to buy it and hide it in my coat just in time. Remus opened the door to the store and let in a cold breeze.

R: "Can we go?"

Y/N: "Yes."

We headed straight to the three brooms. We sat down behind a massive wooden table opposite the fireplace. The cold wood was pleasantly complemented with a heated stone from the fire. The crackling fire and the smell of buttery beer were romantic. The heat radiating from the fireplace gently touched my face and warmed my frozen cheeks. Remus leaned on his hand and looked at me.

Y/N: "What? Do I have something on my face?" I started to touch my face.

Remus grabbed my hand and pulled it from my face. "I'm watching how beautiful you are."

I blushed.

It was Christmas Eve when we got to Remus. I picked up a wand and conjured a small Christmas tree in the corner of his room.

R: "I'd like to give you something." He smiled and handed me a small box tied with a red ribbon.

I gently pulled the ribbon by the end. The ribbon was untied, revealing a small white box. When I opened the box, I saw a beautiful golden chain with a heart.

Y/N: "It's beautiful." I hugged him.

R: "Can I?"

I handed him the chain. He gently brushed my hair from my neck and claspthe chain.

R: "Do you like it?"

Y/N: "Yes, it is beautiful. I have something for you too." I smiled and handed him a black box with a silver ribbon.

R: "You didn't have to Y/N." He blushed.

He carefully opened the box so as not to damage it and pulled out a black-and-silver tie.

R: "It's amazing." He smiled and tried to tie it around his neck.

I moved closer to him and helped him tie it. I first took one end, which I wrapped around tie and pushed through the eyelet.

R: "Thank you." He smiled.

Y/N: "Me too." I thanked him and kissed him on the cheek.

Christmas ran like water. And Remus and I were a little closer again. I never folded the chain he gave to me. It reminded me of our love.

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