19. chapter

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M/N: "Good morning."

Y/N: "Good morning. What are you doing here." I asked sleepily.

M/N: "Just because it's a weekend doesn't mean you have to sleep over." She laughed.

Y/N: "Is it morning yet?"

M/N: "Yes, sleeping beauty."

Y/N: "Oh god, Remus is coming today." I jumped out of bed.

M/N: "You look so bad." She laughed. "Did you sleep?"

Y/N: "I could not fall asleep. I fell asleep in the morning. "

M/N: "Great. Come on, it'll be lunch in a minute." She grabbed me by the armpit and dragged me to the Great Hall.

The tables were folded under the food. I looked to see if I could see Remus at the table, but he wasn't there.

M/N: "Slow down. You will choke"

Y/N: "But I'm in a hurry."

M/N: "And where? Remus isn't here yet."

Y/N: "But he can come at any moment."

When I finished eating, I ran in front of the castle and sat down on a bench. It had a beautiful view of the valley and the whole castle. When Remus will comes, I'll see him right away and go to welcome him. The wind gently tossed my hair and the birds chirped around. I couldn't wait, and I nervously twisted the chain around my neck. It was getting dark but Remus wasn't coming. The crickets slowly emerged from the ground and began their evening concert. The last ray of the day slowly ran down the trunk of an old willow until it finally disappeared. I sat there all night, but Remus didn't come. The stars of the moonlit night shone like millions of lanterns and floated across the sky like seas. The darkness began to engulf me until no stars were visible and no chirping of crickets could be heard. Here and there the queen of nocturnal birds roared and the wind blew into the treetop. As the sounds faded, so did my hope.

M/N: "Y/N. You'll catch a cold. " She said as she came to me at the morning.

I sat there without a word.

M/N: "You have to eat something. You've been sitting here all night. Come in."

I didn't answer. I looked into the distance without a single sign of emotion. Then I don't remember anything. I woke up in hospital wing.

Y/N: "What happened?" I ask when I woke up.

M/N: "You collapsed from tired."

Y/N: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

M/N: "You were passed away for three days."

Y/N: "Three days? Remus already came?"

M/N: "No."

I started to cry. M/N sat next to me to the bed and hugged me.

M/N: "Psst. Everything be okay. Somehow it will be explained."

Minutes, hours and days passed.

M/N: "Enough!. It can't go like this anymore! You don't eat anything, you haven't gotten out of bed for some days. Now you will stand up and go wash and eat! " She said and began to pull me out of bed. She helped me to the bathroom where I took a shower. A warm feeling flooded me for a moment again. But it was only a momentary seduction from the warm stream of water. My knees broke and I cried. My salty tears mixed with water like ashes to the ground.

M/N: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "M/N I don't want to live without him." I collapsed. "I wish he never left."

M/N hugged me and we sat there in a stream of water. She understood that it was difficult, but she did not know how she could help me.

Y/N: "Let's eat. You must be very hungry already. It will certainly be explained somehow." She said and helped me up.

I tried to get back to the old me, but the lost of Remus devoured me. I decided I had to do more things so I wouldn't think about it at least a little.

M/N: "I think it is a great idea. Today we have elixirs. You'll have so much work."

We entered the overcrowded classroom where Snape was already waiting for us. We sat on the chair. It was a very strange feeling to sit among people for such a long time. The chair was rough and cold like everything around me.

S: "Turn the page 90."

Y/N: "Anti-werewolf serum." Tears welled up in my eyes. "Why do we have to learn about this?" I thought.

I looked at Snape. He saw tears in my eyes and looked at me sympathetically.

"Compassion? Really? Do you think I need that now?" I thought. "I can't take it here anymore."

I got up and ran out of class. Behind me, I heard only Snape shouting my name at me. I didn't stop and ran straight to the astronomical tower. There I sat on the edge and cried.

"Why?" I screamed at the world. "Why are you taking from me only person I loved?"

The railing creaked and my tears clinked against the metal. I grabbed the chain, the only thing that left me as a memory on him. Suddenly the heart opened. I was frightened, but when I looked better it was written in small letters. REMEMBER THAT I LOVE YOU. I cried even more.

Y/N: "Don't forget that...."

"I love you." It came from behind me.

I suffered. The blood stopped in my veins. When I turned around, Remus was standing there leaning over gavel. I ran and threw myself around his neck. I was crying so hard and thought I was dreaming.

R: "Ouch." He laughed.

He was all conquered and tired.

I let him go because everything hurts him, but he hugged me even harder and kissed me on the forehead. I felt his tears fall on my chin. I started pounding him to his chest.

Y/N: "I hate you! How could you do this to me! I thought you were dead!" I screamed through tears.

Remus continued to hold me in his arms. "I am here." He said calmly. "I will never leave you again."

I couldn't stop crying. "Why didn't you at least send an owl?"

R: "I wanted. I wanted so much, but couldn't. "

Y/N: "Why?"

R: "Anti-werewolf serum. Didn't Snape tell you? "

Y/N: "What was he supposed to tell me?"

R: "I took an anti-werewolf serum so I could never hurt you again, so I could be with you forever." He knelt hard on his knee and pulled out a small red box. "Y/N, I love you and I always will. I can't live without you and I don't want to. If I'm supposed to be without you, I don't want to live. I never want to lose you and never leave you again. I promise that I will honor you and love you for the rest of my life and beyond. Will you marry me?" He opened the box and pulled out a gold proposing ring.

Y/N: "Yes, yes, yes." I kissed him. "I love you. I don't want to live without you and I never want you to leave me again." I cried and kissed him.

He carefully put the ring on my finger. Stood and hugged me.

R: "I love you Y/N Lupine."

Y/N: "I love you too, Remus."

We were hugging for so long. Remus didn't want to leave me.

R: "Could we go to my room?"

Y/N: "Yes. You need a rest."

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