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"Yams," called the blonde human-cat ever-so-quietly, his hushed voice mingling with the movie's end-credits. After a few more tries of him trying to wake Yamaguchi, the freckled boy finally stirred awake, confused and exhausted.

"What is it, Tsukki?" asked Yamaguchi, his eyes half-open.

"I've gotten something," answered Tsukishima, a small laugh echoing throughout the room. He held his pointer finger up, grabbing whatever was behind him. Faintly, he whispered, "Ta-da!"

As the blonde boy finished his exclamation, he held a bottle of wine in front of Yamaguchi, chuckling as he did so. He giggled, obviously proud of himself. He then murmured, "I stole a bottle from the old woman."

Gasping, Yamaguchi sat up, his brows furrowed. He scowled, asking Tsukishima as to why he did that.

"Why would you do that, Tsukki?!" exclaimed the freckled human-cat in a hushed voice. "Aimi-san would be furious - like so much! Besides, we're certainly not allowed to drink whatever that is!"

"Why not?" questioned Tsukishima, his brows up. In a drunken manner, he held the bottle up once again, sliding his finger through the object's paper. "Masseto - sounds like a very promising beverage to get drunk to."

"Tsukki, that's expensive, and that's certainly not just a beverage," yelled Yamaguchi, trying his very best to pull the bottle back.

Suddenly, he paused, crawling closer towards the blonde human-cat as he sniffed him. Astonished, he whispered, "Tsukki, did you drink?"

Tsukishima turned towards Yamaguchi ever-so-immediately, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked for the best answer to provide for himself.

"Did I, now?" questioned he, chuckling. "I don't remember, though I recall having a tiny sip."

With this response, the freckled human-cat sighed in dissatisfaction, shaking his head as he pulled the bottle from the drunk, blonde lad.

"Why would you drink this? This is Aimi-"

Once again, Yamaguchi paused. He had opened the bottle's cover, and to his surprise, the drink's sweet aroma had engulfed the room. He held the bottle closer to his nose, sniffing the wine's delicate and fragrant scent. Doubtfully, he asked, "Does it - taste good, at least?"

"Ten out of ten," responded Tsukishima, laughing in satisfaction as he held his open palms up. "I must say, the old woman has pretty good taste - not in the field of choosing partners, though."

"Can I - try?" inquired Yamaguchi, pursing his lips as he continued to hold the bottle near his nose. "Aimi-san wouldn't know that we drank this, right?"

"She's twenty-five, she wouldn't," joshed the blonde boy. "I hope."

With Tsukishima's response, Yamaguchi had carried the wine bottle towards his mouth, taking a sip of the drink as he gazed at Tsukishima in doubt.

"This - tastes good," murmured Yamaguchi, rubbing his hand off his mouth. "I would like to drink more."

With that, the two spent their night drinking with each other, too enthusiastic and inebriated to even notice the fact that they were drinking from the same bottle. As they continued to consume the alcoholic beverage, they continued to do things that they normally thought to be silly, like removing their tops just because they thought the room was humid instead of turning the fan on, that is.

Though they both knew that they weren't supposed to drink the beverage at all, they still continued to do so. After all, they both knew that they were in this together - during Aimi's lecture that is.

♡ Author's Note: Hi! This was the missing chapter lolol ♡

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