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"Shh stop crying now Win. Please for me. " Team said softly to his hia..

" I am so sorry baby.. I know I promised to never break your heart and to never be the reason for your tears but look what I did... you must be hating me so much for causing you so much pain... but I swear uan my love for you was never fake. Although I went after you because of a stupid but I truly loved you.. all the memories we made , all the love we shared it was not fake.. every time when I told you that I loved you it was true.. I can't even imagine myself living without you.. I love you so much.. please don't ever leave me.." Win cried his heart out..

true he went after the junior because of a dumb bet but his love for his special junior was never fake.. the junior had taken his breath away since he saw him for the first time at the registration area... he has always intrigued the senior... he was always timid and peaceful around him and his friends but as you get to know him you will realise how playful and fun going the junior is in reality... when the junior had opened up to the senior and they had got close he realised the one he has been longing for so long is the cute junior who has chubby cheeks... he literally got obsessed with the junior...he loved the way he smiled, the way he would pout and he would always kiss those pink, soft plump cloud lips...they were the best he ever tasted.. he did not want anyone else..his junior was more than enough for him.. infact he had stopped playing and sleeping around when his baby had walked into his life unexpectedly and walked right into his heart and stayed there uncalled... they shared such beautiful memories together... but he ruined it because of a bet.. he had long forgotten about the bet, so when he was reminded about it he was shocked at first... and it was then Team had heard and learnt about the bet and had confronted Prug about it....

but Win was determined to win his baby's trust back determined to win his baby's love back, determined to win his world back, his Pao back... it was going to be tough but he will and this time without any lies involved..he knew he had to start from square one but he was ready.. he was ready to do anything for his Team...

"shh Win I know... it is ok... it is all over now.. I am here and I promise I will not go anywhere just please stop crying.. you know I hate tears in your eyes.. so please stop crying..." Team consoled the crying elder.. he hugged him tight and lied down with the elder lying on top of him...

" ok Pao but please don't push me away.. I know it was a bet but trust me I had forgotten about it.. I was only reminded that day when you had heard about it if you would have stayed you would have heard the entire truth.. please don't leave me... I am ready for any punishment you wanna give me but please don't leave me..." Win basically begged the younger one..

"ok hia but your punishment will be..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

hi guys.. sorry for the late update.. actually I had my exams going on that is why couldn't update the book..thanks for all the love and support for the book.. sorry for any mistakes...

Remember you are needed and important...

love yourself and be happy..

stay safe and keep healthy..

stan BTS....



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