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The four of them were waiting.. they were all tensed for their friend. Dean and Prug were consoling their partners...

soon doctor came out...

" um how is he now doctor..." Prug asked the doctor.

" um.. he is still in critical condition... and we don't know when he will wake up..." The doctor replied.

" um will he be alright... please save him...please.." Pharm said as he started crying again.

" um actually it totally depends on him...if he wants to stay or not.."the doctor replied.

" what do you mean by that..." Manaow asked with tears in her eyes..

" what do you mean by it is his choice.." Dean asked with breaking voice..

" he means that it totally depends on Team if he wants to stay or not. Right now what he needs is a reason to live.. to keep going.. and I am calling Korn he needs him the most right now..." Another doctor spoke from behind..

" phi Arm... please save him phi..." Pharm begged the other doctor..

" we will try our level best... but we need to call Korn here... Team needs him the most.. just like the past..." Doctor Arm replied..

" yeah sure phi.. I will call him and explain him everything..." A broken Pharm replied...

" ok... now excuse me.." Doctor Arm said while excusing himself.

They all looked through the window and saw the boy laying on the hospital bed looking peaceful. they all prayed for one thing that the boy makes it out alive.

And soon came the reason for all the trouble..

As Win got the news about Team being admitted in hospital he rushed there only to be stopped by his best friends Dean and Prug..

" why are you stopping me.. let me see him.." Win shouted on top of his voice..

" Just shut up Win and get lost.. you are not needed here.." Prug said calmly as he realized they were in a hospital.

and soon a hard punch was landed on Win's right cheek..

" what the hell Dean... why did you punch me.. why are you stopping me from seeing my own boyfriend.. for fuck sake let me see him please..." Win cried out in despair...

" you are the reason why he is in this condition in the first place.. you played with his heart just like others. he tried killing himself... he knows about that goddamn bet you made with your oh so great friends... now why are you here as it is you were about to leave him anyways... just go away.." Manaow shouted at the senior..

" you mean he tried committing suicide... please let me explain.. please.." Win cried out to them..

" just leave Win, you have already caused lots of damage.. don't add on to the pain with your presence.." Dean said to his best friend..

" please Dean, you and Prug supported me all the way till now.. you also knew about it.. please just let me explain.. please let me see him once.." Win said..

" what you both knew about all this , his entire game since beginning.." Manaow cried out feeling disappointed in her partner..

" you knew about his game yet you supported him.. you knew about it still you made fake promises to the poor child... just go away three of you.. we don't need you here.. nobody needs you here.. just get lost and never show your faces again..." Pharm shouted at top of his lungs..

" please Pharm listen to me... I know we did a mistake please we did not know that this day would come where we will see him fighting and swinging between life and death..please trust me... I love you.. I am sorry.." Dean said to Pharm

" never claim that you love me because it is all fake.. it was all fake.. your love, your promises everything was fake love.. and trust you broke my brother's trust and you expect me to believe you.. just go away.." Pharm replied his voice lazed with anger and disappointment...

" just go away three of you.. you all have caused enough damage... we neither need you nor your fake love.." Manaow said with anger..( stan BTS )

" who is hia Win here.." Doctor Arm asked while he rushed out of the room..

" it is me.." Win replied hurriedly..

" come with me.. he has been chanting your name.. he is not entirely conscious but with all his might he has been calling out for you.." Doctor Arm replied.

both Doctor Arm and Win rushed inside while the others looked through the window...


" hia please hia" Team kept chanting with his eyes closed..

" I am here uan I am here hia is so sorry na baby.. please uan calm down.. open your eyes for me...please baby...please stay..stay for me.." Win cried out..

" hia it is hurting.. all the wounds, my heart.. it hurts like hell..please make the pain go away hia Win.." Team cried out with his eyes still closed..

Win did not know what to do so he simply hugged him.. soon Team calmed down.. Win detached himself from Team...

Team had opened his eyes..

" hia Win... " Team said..

" I am so sorry baby.. I really love you, with or without bet.. please believe me.." Win cried..

" Hia Win please save me.." Team said

" please stay.. stay for me my uan.." Win cried..

" I will stay.." Team said before closing his eyes and going into deep slumber again..with a promise that he will stay...


that's all for this chapter... I hope you liked it...

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