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I don't get attached to people.


When I do, they just get ripped away from me.
And when things are attached to each other, you pull off a piece of them when you pull them apart.

"No! Let me go!"

And I guess my piece was feelings. You know the saying, "Your eyes are the windows to the soul?" Someone once told me mine were filled with smoke.

"Put out the fire, quick!"

I guess that's understandable. I was always told that I looked dead inside. And I guess I am. After that day... nothing made me smile anymore. Or cry. Or yell. Even at my own parents' funeral.

"So cold... she doesn't even look sad."

My mom always told me that she'd be here whenever I'm sad, angry, or even happy. When they were gone, I knew no one would be there when I felt those things... so I decided not to feel them at all.

The only thing saved from that fire was a book. My mom's book. It was leather and nothing more than a notebook. But it was special to me. I liked reading it. Books are much easier to read than people.

They smile but they're sad. They cry but they're happy. They yell but they're excited.

So confusing... and so useless. I saw people crying at my parents' funeral, but that wouldn't bring them back. But when I saw people smiling in the back... I don't know why, but I wanted them to be the next ones in a casket.

But that wouldn't bring my parents back. Nothing would.

When All Might found me and brought me to UA, the teachers were all giving me weird looks. I was a six year old with dead eyes, so I guess that's normal. They brought me in anyways. But probably only because of my quirk.

My quirk? Elemental control. I think. I like to think of it like that one show... what's it called? Avatar: The Last Airbender. Yeah, that's it. My eyes even do the same thing. It's probably not as cool without an angry facial expression, though.

I've always been trained to be the best I can be, and trust me, I am trying my best. But being trained since the age of 7 does give you an edge. The training was easy, and then got harder as I got better, so it wasn't really bad or anything.

My life was different... everyone I got attached to died... so I decided not to get attached to anyone. No one wanted to anyways, at least not with good intentions. I'd get flirted with on the streets sometimes, but only because they wanted my looks. I'd be told that I was powerful, but they only wanted me for my quirk.

Not much is hidden behind these dead eyes, so it's really what I have on the outside that counts. I didn't even know the feelings I held inside me, so I just let everyone judge me based on my outward appearance. It's not like I should care. Their words won't affect me.

But there's two words. Two words I hear so often. That my eyes... were ice cold.

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