Chapter 46 - Eluvians and Endgames

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They stood around the table in the council room the day after their return from Ghislain. 

"Between disrupting the smugglers in the Graves, and stopping their mining operation in Sahrnia, we've thoroughly curtailed the red lyrium supply for Samson and his Templars," Cullen said.

"And the victories at Adamant and Halamshiral have left Corphyeus without his army of demons and with a united Orlais allied with us," Leliana added.

"With the Empire's support our numbers match his. We should press our advantage while he's still reeling," he replied.

"Agreed," Maeve said. "So, where is he?"

"He's moved all his forces to southern Orlais, to the Arbor Wilds," Leliana reported.

"What's he doing in such a remote area?" Josephine asked.

"He's been investigating Elven ruins since Haven, so we believe he's seeking more," the spymaster filled them in. "What he hopes to find in them still eludes us, however."

"I can help with that," Morrigan said entering the room.

"Please, enlighten us," Leliana ground out between clenched teeth, still furious that Celene had insisted the mage join them.

"It is ancient and dangerous, Inquisitor," she replied, ignoring Leliana. "Tis best if I show you."

Maeve cast a backward glance at the others, noting the worry in Cullen's eyes, as she followed Morrigan out of the council room and toward a storage room off the garden.

They approached a large mirror with a strangely undulating surface. "This is an Eluvian," Morrigan informed her. "It is one of these that lies within the Arbor Wilds, and is the object of Corypheus' desires."

"What does it do?" she asked.

Morrigan extended her magic at the mirror and it flashed brighter and started swirling faster. Maeve's eyes widened as the other woman stepped into the mirror and disappeared.

She held up her hand to the surface and felt the eddies of magic flow around her fingers. She followed Morrigan through.

It was like wading through deep water, cool and pleasant on her skin. She emerged next to Morrigan in a gray and dreary landscape with hundreds of darkened Eluvians arrayed around her.

"Welcome to the place where all Eluvians join, Inquisitor. This is why the elves left no roads, they traveled their empire through these."

"This is incredible!" she gasped in awe.

"Yes," Morrigan agreed. "It is not the Fade, but it is close. If someone with enough power got here, tore down the ancient barriers...."

"They could physically enter the Fade. That's why Corypheus seeks the Eluvian."

"And now you understand."

They went back to Skyhold and the council room, where they filled in the others.

"What happens when he enters the Fade?" Cullen asked.

"In his mind, he'll take the power of a god, but more likely he'll just unleash forces that tear the world apart."

"We can't let that happen," Maeve said.

"So, we have to get to this Eluvian before him, but how?" Josie asked. "He's got a head start, and we need to gather our allies before we march."

"My people can go ahead of the army, harry him and slow him down," Leliana said.

"Without support from the soldiers you'd lose half of them!" Cullen interjected.

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