Chapter 12 - Welcome Back

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They spent two weeks at the Crossroads clearing out rifts, bandits, demon-mad wolves, and the remaining rogue elements of the mage-Templar war. They had gathered supplies for the refugees, investigated elven artifacts, and recruited some agents. To say she was exhausted was putting it lightly. Still, they had made a difference; had helped people. Maeve smiled to herself.  

Haven came into view up ahead and she found herself sitting taller in the saddle. Finally, she thought, a hot bath, Maria's cooking, and a real bed. They dismounted and left Horsemaster Dennet at the stables with the fresh mounts they had been able to secure from him. The Gray Warden Blackwall, a member of the secretive order dedicated to fighting darkspawn and stopping the Blights the creatures brought, had also joined their cause and accompanied them to Haven. 

As she approached the Chantry doors to meet with the council of advisors before retiring, she heard raised voices and then saw the large crowd gathered. 

Shit! On one side stood mages and the other Templars yelling at each other about whose fault it was that the Conclave was destroyed and the Divine dead. 

She groaned. She had just left this fucking war in the Hinterlands and Maker help her it wasn't going to disturb the peace of Haven. She broke into a run and came between the two instigators at the same time Cullen did.

"ENOUGH!" she and Cullen shouted at the same time. 

"But Knight-Captain..." the Templar started to say.

"That is NOT my title," Cullen corrected him. "We are no longer Templars." 

Maeve glanced around quickly. This was going to devolve rapidly if somebody didn't do something. She started speaking without realizing it. "He's right! I don't see Templars here. I don't see mages here. I only see the Inquisition here. I see people who have come together despite their differences to fight that!" she pointed at the Breach in the sky. "Because those people know that if they don't stand united against it, then all of Thedas falls!" She paused and met their eyes. "I know for damn sure I will stand against the Breach, but I ask you - Inquisition, will you stand with me?"

For the briefest of moments, she was worried they would all ignore her, or worse outright laugh at her. But then, every single fist went to the left breast in salute - mages and Templars alike. 

"We stand with you, Herald," the Templar said. 

"As do we, Herald," the mage echoed. 

"Then all of you back to your duties," Cullen ordered. He returned his gaze to Maeve. She was still in her armor, dusty, travel worn, and clearly exhausted, but Maker, if she wasn't the most wonderful sight he had seen in weeks.

 "Welcome back and well done," he said, turning a small smile to her. 

She smiled back, "I hope it hasn't been this bad the whole time I've been gone."

He chuckled, "Thankfully, no. The Chancellor returned from Val Royeaux three days ago and has been stirring up animosities." 

"Please remind me why we let him back in, then?" 

Cullen made a dismissive gesture with his hand, "He's toothless. There's no point making him a martyr just because he runs at the mouth."

They walked into the Chantry together and she excused herself to kneel before the statue of Andraste for a quick prayer of thanks. When she rejoined him, he made no comment on her actions, but merely fell in beside her as they headed for the council room. 

"I trust your journey wasn't too arduous?" he asked. 

"It was long and tiring...which I guess is the definition of arduous" she replied with a laugh, "but we accomplished what we set out to do and then some, so it was good." 

"Yes, Cassandra kept me informed in her letters. You helped a lot of people, as well as the Inquisition."

"Letters? Hmm, I never thought to write to report anything. Should I be?" she asked. 

"It's not required. Leliana and Cassandra keep me well informed, but should you feel the need to write I... would welcome it," he said somewhat shyly. 

Maeve tried to hide her blush by looking at the floor.

He opened the door to the council room and gestured for her to precede him. Cassandra, Leliana, and Josephine were already there. Cassandra had just finished informing them of Mother Giselle's suggestion to have Maeve address the clerics directly.

"That is not a terrible idea," Josephine mused.

"You can't be serious!" he said as he rounded the table to stand across from her. "These people were calling for her execution just a few weeks ago and now you want to deliver her to them on a silver platter?"

"He's right," Leliana agreed, "We can't ignore the danger to the Herald. She is, after all, our only means of closing the Breach."

"Um, excuse me, I'm right here," she chimed in, leaning forward and putting her hands on the table. "And considering that I just faced down demons, bandits, mercenaries, wolves, bears, and, did I mention, more demons I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself." She leaned back crossing her arms over her chest.

"And she will not be going alone," Cassandra said. 

They finally agreed that they would take a couple days to rest while Leliana made contact with the names provided by Mother Giselle and then they would make for the city of Val Royeaux.

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