Chapter 32 - Crestwood

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Maeve was finishing loading and securing her pack to Kizi in the lower courtyard when Cullen approached. She was relieved to see him. After the rapid departure from the tavern last night she had been worried she wouldn't see him again for several weeks until they got back from Crestwood.

"Good morning," Cullen said. 

"Morning," she replied. 

Before she could apologize about last night, he beat her to it. "I'm sorry I left last night without talking to you. I had something I needed to finish." 

"So, it wasn't the song?" she asked uncertainly. 

"Not at all. Why would it have been?" he asked, confused. 

"It was something I had heard the Templars at Ostwick sing and I wasn't sure if it brought up unpleasant memories," she replied. 

"No, I had never heard it before, actually. I very much enjoyed it. You should sing with Maryden more often." 

Maeve felt the heat rise to cheeks as she smiled at the ground. 

"I left because I had wanted to make sure this was ready before you headed out this morning," he said, handing her a small wooden box. "I'd like you to wait until you get to Crestwood before opening it, if that's alright."

She nodded, taking it. "Thank you." 

Hawke, Bull, Sera, and Solas were all already mounted and waiting for her. "See you in a few weeks," she said as she mounted Kizi.

"Maeve," he called as she started to walk away. She turned to look back at him. 

"Find a way back," he asked softly. 

She smiled and this time knew what to say. "Always."


They arrived in Crestwood five days later to an overcast sky and a worried looking Scout Harding. "Inquisitor, good to see you safe. We've got trouble ahead."

"If you're on edge I should alert the entire Inquisition," she joked. 

"Or you could increase my hazard pay," Harding replied, not missing a beat. 

"Noted," she smiled. "What have we got?"

Harding gestured to the stone wall overlooking a lake and she followed. As they got closer, she could see an eerie green glow from under the water. "Well...shit," she said.

"Crestwood had a flood during the Blight. Since the rift appeared in the lake undead have been walking out of there," Harding explained.

"Makes sense. Spirits drawn through the rift, possessing the dead bodies they find from the flood," she replied.

"Well, you'll have to fight through them to get to the town and to the cave where Hawke's friend is hiding."

"Like the Fallow Mire all over again," she sighed, as rain drops started to fall. "Why can't the Inquisition ever send us anywhere nice?" she groaned as she pulled the hood of her cloak up.

She decided they would check in at the town first and then head for the cave under the cover of darkness to try and protect Hawke's friend. As she rejoined the group, she noticed that they had a plus one to the party. Another elf had joined them, walking closely with Hawke, their hands gently clasped. Maeve saw a flash of silver hair from under the hood of his cloak. That must be his partner, Fenris, she thought, remembering Varric's Tale of the Champion recounting Hawke's time in Kirkwall leading up to the mage rebellion.

As they approached the road leading into town, they found two Gray Wardens fighting off undead and joined in to help. Maeve cast winter grasp to freeze one of them, followed by a lightning bolt that shattered it. By the time that was done her companions and the Wardens had made quick work of the rest. 

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