Chapter 41 - Desires and Dresses

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It was late enough when they returned to Skyhold that most of the fortress was abed, so it wasn't until the following morning that she saw Cullen as she walked, albeit with a slight limp still, into the council meeting; her hands wrapped around a steaming cup of coffee. 

She sipped it while they caught her up to speed on things. Cullen had been able to piece together more clues from Samson's letters found at Sahrnia. 

"The armor with magical enchantments he speaks of worries me," he said. "It likely gives him extraordinary powers that we may not be able to overcome."

"Then we remove the armor from the equation. Underneath it, he's just a man," Maeve replied.

"I don't have the first clue where to start. Templars are trained not to destroy expensive magical equipment."

"Perhaps Dagna will have some ideas," Leliana suggested.

Maeve agreed to speak with the Inquisition's Arcanist after the meeting.

"The letters also mention Maddox," Cullen continued. "He was a Tranquil in Kirkwall's Circle and was a skilled craftsman of magical items. If he's working with Samson, it's likely he built the armor and maintains it still. The supplies needed for such enchantments would be rare, which means we can trace them."

"Right to Samson's door," she finished with a grin, "Well done."

Leliana briefed her on reports of increased darkspawn activity on the Storm Coast. Some of the Warden warriors that had joined them had been dispatched to deal with the threat. She had also received word from Hawke that the Warden mages had been safely delivered to Weisshaupt and Ser Barris was on route back to Skyhold. Rylen was also returning from the Approach, having been relieved by another company taking over the defenses at Griffon Wing. The spymaster and Cullen briefly discussed troop movements and adjustments to continue to monitor the Venatori presence there, as well as the Red Templar presence in Sahrnia. Maeve half listened and finished her coffee.

"Alright, Josie, where are we on the peace talks with Empress Celene?" she asked, setting the mug down on the table.

"Unfortunately, thanks to your jaunt to Sahrnia, very far behind."

Josie huffed an exasperated sigh at her raised eyebrow of confusion. "The masquerade is in three weeks, which leaves us two weeks to prepare you for the court and get your dress made and tailored. I shall deem it a miracle if we succeed."

"Honestly, Josie, how much preparation do I seriously need?"

"The next week will consist of lessons in dancing, court etiquette, history and lineages, and the latest court gossip. I scheduled the tailor to meet you in your quarters in five minutes. The second dress fitting is scheduled nine days from now and then we begin the journey to Halamshiral where the final fitting will take place two days before the masquerade."

Josephine handed her a detailed schedule with hour-by-hour instructions on where to go, who to meet with, and the agenda for said times. 

"Sweet Andraste, is all this really necessary?" she asked, noting Cullen trying to suppress a smile at her discomfort, and utterly failing.

"The court's disapproval can be as great a threat as any other you've faced, Maeve. Consider this training no different than sparring with your staff or spirit blade. I'll meet you in your quarters."

Josie turned on her heel and left, with Leliana not far behind. Cullen circled around the table to stand beside her as she looked through the three-page itinerary for the next week. 

"She even scheduled my meal times," she said with some degree of surprise and an equal part alarm.

He chuckled, "With Josephine everything is very precise." He took the papers from her hands and set them on the table, then drew her to him and kissed her deeply. "Welcome home," he said when they finally parted.

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