Chapter 43 - The Winter Palace - Pt 2

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Maeve found Leliana in the ballroom and updated her on her findings so far; neither Morrigan nor Briala were likely the assassin, and Gaspard didn't seem subtle enough for assassination. The Tevinter agent Morrigan had found seemed like the best lead and the Inquisition spies in the palace had reported hearing whispers of people going missing in the servant's quarters, so that seemed the next place to continue the search. 

She didn't ask Leliana how she had managed to smuggle their weapons into the palace, but just grabbed Varric, Cassandra and Dorian for back-up and, using the key Morrigan had found, entered the servants' wing. They were immediately met with a blood bath and about half a dozen dead bodies.

"Kaffas!" Dorian cursed.

"Come on, whoever did this might still be here, and if so, these people deserve whatever justice we can give them," she said, clenching her fists at her side.

They exited into the garden area and heard a scream from the left. They turned in time to see an elven servant get cut down by Venatori. 

Maeve arced lightning between them and charged beside Cassandra with her spirit blade drawn. While they engaged several of them, one of Varric's arrows took another through the throat and Dorian's immolate took out two more.

They followed the trail of servant bodies, finding more groups of Venatori scattered through the gardens and into the adjoining apartments. She remained thankful that magical barriers kept the blood off her dress, as she'd be hard pressed to explain to the nobles back in the ballroom why she was covered in blood if they didn't.

How the hell did they all get in here? she kept wondering as more and more came out of the wood work for them to kill. One of them was finally smart enough to try to run from them, but fell with a knife protruding from his throat.

"Fancy meeting you here, Inquisitor," Briala said from the doorway, stepping over the Venatori body. "Shouldn't you be dancing?"

"I was, but you just claimed my last dance partner," she said looking back at the man the Ambassador had killed.

She smiled at Maeve, "You have cleaned this place out, haven't you? I came down here to find or avenge my missing people, but you beat me to it. Thank you."

"You're welcome," she replied. "Any idea how all these assholes got in?"

"No. I knew Gaspard was smuggling in Chevaliers and some mercenaries, but he wouldn't be desperate enough to turn to Tevinter." 

"He certainly didn't seem desperate," she agreed. 

"It seems I misjudged you, Inquisitor. You might just be an ally worth having," she mused as she walked away.


Maeve made her way back to the ballroom and ran into Grand Duchess Florianne, almost literally.

"Inquisitor Trevelyan."

"Is there something I can do for you, your grace?"

"Indeed. I believe both you and I are concerned about the actions of a certain person this evening. Come, dance with me."

Maeve took her hand and they made their way to the dance floor. The music was louder here and with the other conversations going on they would be able to talk more privately.

"How much do you know of our little war, Inquisitor?"

"I know its effects reach far beyond the borders of Orlais."

"Indeed. The security of the empire is at stake tonight. Neither of us wish to see it fall."

"No," she agreed, "But in times like these it is hard to tell friend from foe, is it not?"

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