Chapter 14 - Val Royeaux

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A week later, after traveling north from Haven to the Waking Sea and sailing west along it, they approached the Orlesian capital city of Val Royeaux. Maeve had never seen anything so grand in her life. Tall buildings of pale white stone soared above her with brightly colored banners flapping in the breeze. She looked around with her mouth slightly open as they walked across the bridge to the city. One of Leliana's people approached them as they entered the gates. 

"My Lady Herald," she said, dropping to a knee in front of Maeve, placing her fist over her heart. "The Chantry Mothers await you, but so do a number of Templars." 

"There are Templars here?" Cassandra asked. 

"Yes, Lady Seeker. The people seem to think they will protect them...from the Inquisition." 

"More likely from me," Maeve said sadly.

They walked into the square and approached the crowd of people that had sprung up around a wooden platform where a Revered Mother was addressing those gathered. She gave a stirring talk of the loss of the Divine and then pointed to Maeve naming her the Divine's murderer. 

"We say this is a false prophet. The Maker would send no mage in our hour of need," she finished. 

She clenched her jaw. "I am not your enemy!" she said as much to the gathered crowd as to the Revered Mother. "And never claimed any divine purpose. I'm Maeve Trevelyan, Senior Enchanter of Ostwick, and all I want to do is close the Breach; the real enemy."

"It's true!" Cassandra chimed in, " The Inquisition seeks only to end this madness before it's too late."

Maeve turned to the right at the sound of marching boots and saw a large contingent of Templars approaching the platform. The Revered Mother was smiling, right up until one of the Templars punched her and sent her sprawling to the ground. 

She started forward, but Cassandra's hand on her arm stopped her. She glanced at the Seeker and realized lightning crackled at her fist. Shit! She released the spell. Get it together, Maeve. You're here to show everyone you're NOT the bad guy.

"How dare you!" she said to the Templar instead.

The older man clearly leading them turned to sneer at her. "Her claim to authority is an insult, much as your own."

"Lord Seeker Lucius," Cassandra started following the man, trying to talk to him. He cut her off rudely and proceeded to spout vitriolic words about how the Templars had been right to leave the Chantry to purge mages. She swallowed back her rage, but her jaw was clenched so tightly that she was sure it would break. Justified killing those who had done no wrong? Killing children not even old enough to take their Harrowing? You fucking asshole!

Instead she said, "We need an alliance that will seal the Breach, Lord Seeker. Surely you can see that is the bigger threat," and was proud of how civilized she managed to keep her tone.

"Oh, the Breach is a threat, but you have no power to do anything about it. Templars, we march!"

As they left, Maeve turned back to the Revered Mother where she was still laying dazed on the platform and went to kneel beside her. "May I?" she asked, calling healing magic to her hands readying it to use if allowed. The Mother's eyes widened, surprised at the offer, but she nodded. Maeve guided the magic toward the bruise forming on the back of her head and willed the swelling and pain away. 

"Tell me honestly," the woman asked when she was done and they knelt facing each other, "Do you believe you are the Chosen of Andraste?"

"I don't know," she replied truthfully. "But chosen or not, I am here to serve. I can and will close the Breach." 

"That is...more comforting than you know."

They smiled at each other and Mother Giselle's words echoed in the back of her mind 'You just need some to doubt.' Well if she had changed this woman's mind, maybe this trip hadn't been a complete waste.

Maeve left the platform and they started to make their way out of the city when a familiar voice said, "If I might have a moment of your time?"

"Grand Enchanter Fiona," she said as she turned to face the slight elven woman before her. 

"Maeve. It is good to see you." 

"Is it, Grand Enchanter? I don't recall you being happy to see me last time we were together," she replied crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes, well, things are different now, are they not? If it is help with the Breach you seek, perhaps you should look to your fellow mages."

"The same ones who threw us into a war?" she accused her. 

"War was coming regardless! What choice did we have? After what the Templars did in Kirkwall and the White Spire it was only a matter of time before they came for us all. You can't tell me after what they did to you..."

"Don't!" Maeve held up her hand stopping Fiona. "I wanted change for the Circles as much as anyone, but NOT at this cost. We could have found another way, Fiona. But it doesn't matter now." 

"No, I suppose it doesn't," she acquiesced. "Regardless, I hope you will consider putting the past behind us and accept this invitation to Redcliffe to discuss an alliance."

"I will...consider it," she grudgingly agreed. 

Cassandra laid a hand on her shoulder as Fiona walked away. "Come, let us return to Haven." 

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