Chapter 29 - The Aftermath - Pt 2

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Cullen spent the next two days trying to do anything to keep busy, anything to keep from worrying about her. In addition to his normal duties of seeing the soldiers trained and equipped, he went out with hunting parties, gathered herbs for the healers, and chopped wood for the camp. The latter was where Bull found him on the morning of the third day. He had been so focused on the rhythm - place, swing, stack - that he didn't notice the Qunari approach him at first.

"Cullen," Bull said by way of greeting. 

"Bull. What can I do for you?"

"Just thought you'd want to know, the Boss is awake." 

The axe stopped mid-swing and his heart stopped for a few beats. He tried to sound calm as he asked, "Have Cassandra, Josephine and Leliana been informed?" 

"They're already at the healer's tent waiting for you." 

Cullen once again feigned calm as he nodded thanks and walked back to camp. He made a quick stop at his tent to don more appropriate, and less sweaty, clothing before making his way to the healer's tent.

He took a deep breath before ducking inside. His eyes went immediately to the cot. Maeve was sitting up, propped against a bedroll. The bandage was no longer on her forehead, revealing a dark red scar. Her face was still bruised, but no longer swollen, and the left arm was still secured in a sling against her side. Color was back in her cheeks, but she had heavy bags under her eyes. 

She was talking to Josephine and hadn't noticed him, yet. But Leliana had. She had been watching him looking at Maeve and gave him a knowing smile, saying, "Cullen, thank you for joining us." Which drew Maeve's gaze to him, as Leliana no doubt intended.

She smiled as their eyes met. "How are you feeling?" he asked. 

"Surprisingly well considering a mountain fell on me three days ago," she joked. 

"Please keep it brief," he heard Solas say from the other side of the cot where he had been obscured by Josephine, "Maeve still needs to rest." 

All three of them nodded as he turned to leave, but Maeve stopped him, "Solas, ma serannas," she thanked him in elven.

"You are welcome, lethallan," he replied with a gentle smile and left.

The conversation turned to logistics as Josephine filled Maeve in on correspondence with their allies and Leliana reported what her spies had been able to gather about Corypheus and his Red Templars, which was woefully little.

She finally turned to him, "Cullen, what were our losses?" 

"They could have been much worse, but all told we lost about a third of our soldiers." He saw the pained looked that crossed her face. "Of those remaining, there are a number injured that will need time to recover, but I'm having Rylen start drills again today with those that are able. Hopefully, the routine and familiarity will bring some degree of comfort." She nodded absently. 

"How soon can we be ready to move?" she asked. 

"I'd have to check with the healers about the feasibility of moving the wounded, but...I would guess two or three more days."

"Good. Cassandra, the map, please?" she asked. The Seeker rolled a map out across Maeve's lap and they all leaned in a little closer. "Solas informed me of a fortress, Skyhold, about two days' ride roughly northwest of here. He's seen it in the Fade, so the directions are a little hazy, but I think it's our best option." She winced as she leaned forward and gestured at an area on the map that had been circled. "This is our best guess at the area where it's located. I'd like to get our people there as soon as possible," she finished leaning back again.  

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