Chapter 10 - Midnight Snack

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Cullen had stayed behind in the council room late into the night pouring over reports, requisitions, and information on new recruits to the Inquisition's cause. Of course, he'd probably have gotten more work done faster if he hadn't kept seeing her smile long after she had left the room. He sighed and rubbed his hand across the back of his neck. Maker, she was a distraction...but maybe a welcome one? he thought. She had been bold and decisive today, kind and gentle with Will, and willing to risk everything to help them. He couldn't help but find himself attracted to her. It had been years since he had felt anything like that, but, after all, he was only human. 

The growl of his stomach suddenly reminded him that he had worked through dinner...again. He set down the report he had been attempting to read for the third time and decided to stop by the kitchens on the way to his tent. Maria, the cook, could usually still be found there this late prepping food for the next day. 

As he approached the kitchen, he heard a gentle voice singing a lullaby. Strange, he thought, that wasn't Maria's voice. Whoever's it was, it was...lovely. He slowed as he approached the door, not wanting to intrude. 

'Hush, now, my baby. Listen to the waves. They sing of the deepness of my love. Let them rock you as I do tonight. And I'll be with you in your dreams.'   

He rounded the corner and entered the door frame as Maria said, "Maker bless me, lass. I haven't heard that one since I sang it t' me wee lads back in Starkhaven." 

The singer's back was to him. A simple, form fitting cotton dress of dark brown with an apron over it and a long dark braid draped over her right shoulder was all he could see at first. She was chopping something on the table in front of her. He could hear the smile in her voice, tinged with sadness, as she said, "It was one of my mother's favorites, too. Our holdings were on the Waking Sea and I loved to listen to the ocean at night."

Cullen felt the breath leave his body. Maeve

"Ah, there ye are, Commander. I was wondering if ye'd remember t' eat t'day." Maria scolded him as only a mother could and Cullen instantly felt chastised and he mumbled an apology.

Maeve turned and smiled, "Are you always up this late, Commander?" 

"Please, away from the troops it's just Cullen," he replied. "And, yes. Often enough that Maria knows to expect me, anyway." He smiled as Maria handed him a bowl of stew that she had been keeping warm by the fire. He leaned against the counter behind him and crossed one leg over the other at the ankle.

He watched Maeve work; his meal momentarily forgotten. "What are you doing up this late? Don't you leave for the Crossroads in the morning?" he asked. 

"Couldn't sleep," she confessed with a shrug. "Maria was kind enough to give me something to keep busy. And it's been comforting to find others from the Free Marches here." She finished chopping the carrots she had been working on and wiped her hands on the apron. "Ok, Maria. Potatoes are peeled, carrots are chopped. What's next?"

"Ye really should go rest, m'dear," Maria replied. 

"I will...soon. Just a little longer?" she pleaded. 

Maria smiled and asked her to help knead the dough for tomorrow's bread. "Tha flour is on tha shelf behind tha Commander," he heard her say. 

He pushed off from the counter and reached behind him to grab the required bag. He turned back just as she approached and handed it to her. 

"Thank you," she said softly, tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear. 

"You're welcome." Had she blushed?

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