Chapter 20 - Allies

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Maeve had actually felt marginally better after telling Cullen the truth. Only Sariah, the First Enchanter, and the Knight-Commander had known the full story before, although rumors had spread of course, as evidenced by Fiona's words in Val Royeaux. She had been afraid of disgust, rejection, pity...the things others had shown her. Cullen had been...angry, but not at her. And then he had been kind and understanding. It was more than she could've hoped for. 

Her thoughts were thus occupied when she walked smack into a strange soldier just outside the Chantry doors. "Oh! I'm sorry!" she exclaimed. 

"It's alright," he said. "Maybe you can help me?" 

"Of course." 

"I'm Cremisius Aclassi of the mercenary company The Bull's Chargers. We got word of Tevinter agents gathering on the Storm Coast. My company Commander Iron Bull sent me with this information. If you want to see what we can do for the Inquisition, he hopes you'll join us there and watch us work." 

"I just might do that," Maeve mulled over his words. 


They had traveled northeast around Lake Calenhad and to the northern most reaches of Ferelden, called the Storm Coast. She stood on the cliff overlooking the Waking Sea and breathed deeply. She hadn't realized how much she had missed the sound of the waves crashing on the rocky shoreline, the tang of the salt in the air, and the wind as it whipped her hair loose from the confines of the bun at the back of head. 

Scout Harding approached and informed her that the Chargers had been spotted down the hill on the beach and had cornered the Tevinter mercenaries in question.

Maeve, Blackwall and Varric wound their way down the path and toward the sound of fighting. Her eyes widened at the large Qunari, who could only be the Bull in Bull's Chargers, wielding a double-bladed axe in the midst of several Tevinter soldiers. His frame was massive, as he was at least seven feet tall, with broad horns extending out from his forehead. He roared orders at the others of his company fighting around him. 

They were a well-disciplined group. Maeve occasionally covered the Chargers with barriers here and there when the company's own mage exhausted her mana, but otherwise her group was able to just observe. 

Finally, Iron Bull called out to the Chargers to stand down. She approached the giant of a man as he was speaking to Cremisius. "So, Inquisition, huh? Glad you could make it. Have a seat." He gestured to some driftwood logs and she sat across from him. 

"Iron Bull, I presume? Maeve Trevelyan," she said gripping his hand in a firm shake. 

He nodded. "So, you've seen us fight. We're expensive, but we're worth it." 

"The Chargers do seem like an excellent company," she replied, noncommittally. 

"They are," Iron Bull agreed, "but you're not getting just them. You're getting me. You need someone on the frontlines for demons, dragons - the bigger the better - I'm your man." 

Maeve nodded in consideration. 

"And there's something else. Might be useful, might piss you off." She arched her eyebrow at his words. "Ever hear of the Ben-Hassrath?" he asked. She shook her head. "They're Qunari spies. Or, we are." 

"I see," she said. "Doesn't it kind of negate the purpose of being a spy to tell me that you are one?" 

"Nah, if your spymaster is worth a damn, she would've figured me out eventually and I'd rather you hear it straight from me." he shrugged. "They're worried about the Breach and have ordered me to get close to the Inquisition and report back on what's going on. But I also get reports from other agents across Orlais, so you sign the Chargers on and you're getting those reports, too."

She crossed her arms over her chest and studied the ground while she considered. Leliana would leap at the chance for more intel out of Orlais, which lay to the west one the other side of the Frostback mountains from Haven. But could Iron Bull really be trusted if he was willing to betray his own people to the Inquisition? Although, she supposed what he shared of their reports would be selective and not compromise their operations. So, she'd require the same. "Alright, Iron Bull. You run what you send back to the Ben-Hassrath by Leliana before you send it so she can make sure nothing compromises my people, and you've got a deal."


They returned to Haven with the Chargers a little over a week later after claiming the allegiance of another mercenary group called the Blades of Hessarian, clearing out rifts and demons, and investigating the trail of missing Orlesian Wardens. They found that word had come from Magister Alexius the day before requesting her attendance at Redcliffe to finalize negotiations for the mages' assistance in closing the Breach. Maeve went directly to the council room from the stable, damp armor and all. 

"He asked for the Herald by name," Josephine was saying as she walked in. "It's an obvious trap."

"Oh, it certainly is," she replied without preamble, "The last time we spoke I got the distinct impression that he wanted to dissect me into tiny pieces for magical study. But we need the mages, so another meeting with the creepy, homicidal Magister it is."

"Redcliffe Castle has withstood thousands of assaults and we don't have the manpower to take it. You walk in there and you'll die. I won't allow it," Cullen said. 

"Then it's a good thing I'm not asking your permission, Commander," Maeve replied stressing his title. 

He met her eyes as they flashed defiance and clenched his jaw. Damn stubborn woman.

"A Magister holds Redcliffe Castle, Cullen" Cassandra said, "we cannot let that stand."

"She's right," Leliana agreed. "We can't lose the mages and leave a hostile foreign power on our doorstep."

"Well we can't assault the castle even if we did have the forces needed," Josephine interjected. "We're ostensibly an 'Orlesian' Inquisition. We can't march our army into Ferelden without starting a war."

"Even if we're doing it to liberate one of their holdings and help them?" Maeve asked. 

"Our intentions will not likely matter to the monarchs of Ferelden," Josephine replied.

"Can we get word to the capital in Denerim, then? Go in as allies with their army? A combined force would give us enough manpower, would it not?" she tried again. 

"It would take too long and make the Magister suspicious," Leliana said. "Plus, my spies reported that Redcliffe's Arl was already seen making for the capital to enlist King Alistair's aid. I'm sure a Ferelden army will soon lay siege to Redcliffe."

"I'm sorry, Maeve, the Magister has outplayed us," Cullen said. 

"There's got to be another way. I won't give up this easily," she replied, chewing her lower lip in frustration and frowning at the mark for Redcliffe on the map.

"Wait!" Leliana suddenly said. "There is another way! A secret passage into the castle used as an escape route for the family. The Hero of Ferelden and I used it back during the Blight. It's too narrow to march soldiers through, but we can get a small group of agents in."

"And they'll be discovered long before they reach the Magister," Cullen said.

Maeve smiled deviously as an idea formed in her mind, "Not if the Magister has something to keep him occupied." 

Leliana met her eyes, "Yes! Like the envoy he wants so badly." 


"And you'll make positively lovely bait, my dear," Dorian's voice sounded from the doorway. 

"Dorian, fashionably late, I see." She introduced him to those around the table. 

"Dorian knows the Magister's magic and methods, so will be with your people Leliana. I'll take Varric, Bull, and Cassandra and keep him distracted. Josephine, please tell Magister Alexius that I look forward to our negotiations."

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