Chapter 39 - Return to Skyhold

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Cullen found himself in the main hall of Skyhold without remembering how he had gotten there. It was empty, which was very unusual.

"There you are," Maeve's voice said from behind him.

He turned to find her walking toward him in a very low cut and form fitting dress. "Maeve?" he asked.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to hers. He stiffened briefly in surprise, but it was so good to feel her against him again. Desire stirred as he slid his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss.

Her hands trailed down his chest and then started to lift his shirt up over his head. He quickly stepped back and grabbed her wrists. 

"What's wrong," she asked him, innocently. "I know it's what you want." 

The deep green of her eyes suddenly flashed with a purple hue, and he instantly put more distance between them. 

"You're not her," he asserted, drawing his sword and leveling it at the demon.

She laughed and it was no longer Maeve's voice as the desire demon let the glamour drop and appeared to him as she truly was - a scantily clad female form with cloven hooves and curling horns from her head.

"Hello sweet little Templar," she purred. "Come, now. We both know you want her and I can give her to you. Right now, tonight, you can have everything you desire."

"I don't think so, demon," he growled back, tracking her movement with the sword. 

Her face hardened. "I could do worse. I could take her from you, instead," she threatened. An image of Maeve was there, standing next to the demon. "After all, she has desires, too."

Cullen watched as the desire demon whispered in Maeve's ear, and even though he knew it wasn't really her he couldn't stop himself from saying, "No, Maeve! Don't listen to it!"

"Templars are there to protect mages, but you're not one of those anymore, are you? Without your lyrium you can't hope to protect her," the demon said.

He watched as Maeve turned to the demon, smiled, and allowed herself to be possessed. 

He drove his sword forward, aiming for the demon before it could possess her, but he wasn't fast enough. And that quickly she was the demon, and he drove his sword between her ribs and into her heart. He felt her blood warm on his hand, and caught her body as it fell. 

NoNoNoNoNoNoNo, he screamed over and over in his head, as he stared into her lifeless eyes.


"NO!" Cullen cried out, shooting up in bed. He was tangled in the blanket, drenched in sweat, and trembling. He gasped for air and fought to still himself. Pain stabbed behind his eyes as another migraine started to take hold. Maker help him, he couldn't do this anymore. Between the pain wracking his body, the nightmares, and the voice in the back of his mind whispering how weak and pathetic he was without the lyrium, he wasn't able to fulfill his duties most days. He would have to talk to


"Someone is certainly happy to be back," Dorian said, looking at Maeve as they entered Skyhold's lower courtyard, "I can't possibly imagine why." He waggled his eyebrows at the smile that had been plastered to her face since the fortress had come into view.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure Sparks always looks that stupidly happy these days," Varric said with a grin.

Maeve shook her head and tried to hide the blush creeping up her neck. Bull took Kizi's reins from her saying, "Go on, Boss, we got this."

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