A picnic &Moving In 6

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                  "You can't be serious." He said looking at his hooded friend. "I figured you would be here by now, anyways I got the whole report on here you can't keep doing this crazy psycho shit. Look at this man she already had one crazy ass stalker who damaged her beyond repair. She don't need another one." Another man said to him. "No one understands better than we do but there is always a better option man. YOU don't think we want to do the same thing you doing. We can't keep doing that though man. Plus we have other ideas. It's time to start thinking out of the box." The other man said also dressed all in black pouring a drink for all of them. "We have a couple of plans. Figured since you taking things the hardest we try them out with you first. While we do some other little things on the side for ourselves." Putting down the file on the woman who is trapped in his mind he started to smile I think I just got a couple of my own." HE said with his twisted smile.

        "Where do you think your going?" Xavier asked as he saw Tessa sitting in a chair in her room tying up her jogging shoes. "You see baby there is a couple things wrong in this picture. First you wearing way to many clothes for what we should be doing right now. You up to early, and lastly you need to bring that sweet ass back over here and give me some cuddles it's lonely in this bed without you baby." He pouted and whined like a little kid who has to get up and get ready for school. "You can go back to bed honey. It's about six in the morning it's got enough light out to go for a jog." She said as she started stretching.

      "Well hell baby let me get dressed that sounds great hey we can even run to mine and get Arlo you know he needs this. We could get in a good jog before the shop opens." He said to her moving around and getting dressed. "That sounds great." It was crazy to see the bond Tess had with Arlo. It was clear Arlo loved her he shared his teddy with her, if anyone argues to loud with her he growls and he picks her over me every time in everything. I wouldn't wan tit any other way either Xavier thought to himself. He could never be with a woman Arlo didn't like he was a perfect judge of character, his little love buddy was never wrong when it came to finding good, and bad people.

Tessa's eyes lit up, she loved that dog. "Yes let's go get my little snuggle muffins." She said in a happy loving voice. "Baby Arlo is one of the biggest dogs out there, it may hurt his manly feelings if you call him your snuggle muffins to others." Xavier chuckled as they were making their way out the door. "Oh you hush it. That sweet little baby don't care what I call him, he always come to the call." She said proudly. Xavier smiled deeply, because that was one thing he and the beastly dog had in common as long as she called they would always come running. Shaking his head lightly he knew he was whipped, he had it so bad and he was perfectly happy with that.

They were at a good steady pace Xavier and Arlo made sure to keep at a steady more slow pace than what they were used to make Tessa feel comfortable and enjoy conversation without having to fight for air. They were so into their own world they didn't even see when the man came and slammed right into Tessa she would have token a hard fall to the concrete had he not wrapped his arms tightly around her holding her close to his own body her face in his neck and his face in hers. Made Xavier's skin crawl watching another guy have his hands all over his woman the only thing was it was just because it was him.

"Oh, Tessa. You ok. I am so sorry I was just in my own little world and I wasn't paying attention are you ok. I'm so sorry." "I am fine Keith. I wasn't even looking where I was going I am sorry. Thank you though I was sure I would have taken a good little hug on the ground there. So nice catch." She joked to lighten the mood. Xavier quick to take her from Keith. "You good baby?" HE asked as Arlo was now right under legs in a protective stance giving him a not so friendly growl to take a couple of steps back.

"My that's quiet a big boy you got there. He is truly something to see." Keith said looking happy at the protective dog. "How long have you had him?" Keith asked in a friendly manner. "He's actually Xavier's dog, he's just my favorite little love muffin though, aren't you baby?" She asked loving on Arlo who was just giving her cheek a kiss loving on her, still giving Keith the evil eye. Xavier took his hand and rubbed Arlo's head. "Good boy." He mumbled to the dog who gave him a happy growl. "Oh well beautiful dog man." Keith said in a civil tone. "Thanks." Xavier said flatly.

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