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Marinette woke up around 4-o-clock in the morning. She's been consistently peeing every minute of every day, but her body wakes her up early in the morning to puke, and when she falls back asleep and wakes up later, she pukes again.

"This baby will be the death of me." Marinette grumbled after puking.

"I hope not." Someone said on the other side of the door.

Marinette jumped. "Papa?"

"Hi honey." He said. "Can I come in?"

"No need to." Marinette cleaned herself up and walked out of the bathroom.

"Why are you up so early?" She asked him.

"Marinette, I wake up at 4-o-clock in every morning! It's part of my job." He chuckled, "Your mother is downstairs in the bakery as we speak. I just came up here to grab her apron."

"Oh." Marinette smiled. "Did you find it?"

"Yes, yes I did." Marinette realized that he was holding her mother's apron the whole time.

"Are you okay?" Tom asked her. "We know you've been getting up around this time to hurl, and we want to make sure you're okay, especially for your appointment today."

Marinette groaned. She had forgotten about her appointment.

But then she smiled to herself. She realized her mother has an apron downstairs already, and a backup apron there too. Her dad just needed an excuse to ask her if she was okay.

"I'm nervous." Marinette admitted. "And the baby has caused me to use the bathroom more and more."

"It'll be worth it, Marinette." Tom consoled. "Your mom went through a lot with you, but she would do it a million times over if she had to, because you were so worth it. Every baby is worth it, and I promise yours is too."

"Thanks Papa." Marinette smiled and hugged her dad. She never realized how lucky she was to have parents like her own. 

"Now get to bed, honey." Tom said. "The appointment is at 11am."

"That's so early!" Marinette whisper-exclaimed. Adrien was still sleeping upstairs, and she didn't want to wake him.

"That was the only spot they had left before your birthday." Tom chuckled. "Unless you want to cancel it today and go tomorrow-"

"No, no!" Marinette ran to the stairs "Night, Papa!"

"Good night, honey." Tom smiled. 

Marinette creeped up to her room and slowly went on her bed. She looked down and smiled.

She watched her lover sleep peacefully. She felt so in love. 

She was exactly where she wanted to be. Sort of.

Marinette settled herself beside Adrien and fell asleep.

~Time skip to the OB/GYN~

One puke later, Adrien, Marinette, and Marinette's parents were at the OB/GYN. Marinette's parents weren't allowed in the room as it was a small space and it would be too crowded. 

That left her and Adrien. Alone. In the room. Waiting for the sonographer.

"Are you nervous?" Adrien asked Marinette as he helped her lie down into the chair.

"A little. I'm six and a half weeks pregnant, which means we can hear the baby's heartbeat." Marinette said.

"Now? We can hear the baby's heartbeat now? Like, today? In this room?" Adrien blabbered with excitement.

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