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Adrien ran out of his house and towards the bakery. When he arrived, he panted and got ahold of himself. Then, he walked into the bakery.

"Hi Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." Adrien greeted Marinette's mother, her father was with some customers. "Is it alright if I go up and see Marinette? I was thinking she could help me with my math homework, she's the best in the class."

"I'd love to let you see her, Adrien," Sabine said, "But Marinette isn't home right now. She's with Alya. If you want, you can go up and grab something if you need it."
"No thanks, Ms. Dupain-Cheng," Adrien shook his head, "I'd rather wait until Marinette comes home. I don't want to invade her personal space."
"I understand, dear." Sabine smiled. "Would you like a macaroon?" She motioned to a stack of macaroons.
"How could I say no?" Adrien chuckled and ate a macaroon.

"Wait, did you say Marinette was with Alya?" Adrien asked Sabine.
"Yes, she is." Sabine replied. "I don't know where they went, though."
"It's fine, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." Adrien smiled at Sabine. "I'm just going to find Marinette. There's also something else I want to talk to her about."
"Okay, but if you or Marinette are in trouble, call me or her father, okay?" Sabine said to Adrien. He nodded and walked out of the bakery.

Adrien didn't know where Marinette was, but he knew where Ladybug was. His suspicion came through again.

Adrien went into an alleyway and opened his shirt.

"Lemme guess," Plagg said, "We have to find Marinette. What are you even going to say to her?"
"I have no idea, Plagg." Adrien sighed, "But our talk last night made me realize that I really do like Marinette."

Plagg was about to open his mouth to say something.  A confused look plastered on his face. Then a listening face.
Adrien decided to listen closely too. He didn't even know what he was listening for, but he was listening.

"Ladybug!" A small, delicate voice exclaimed. "Ladybug?"
"Sugarcube?" Plagg called towards the voice.
"Don't call me Suga-" The voice said. "Plagg?" Tikki came from out of nowhere and flew right towards Plagg with earrings in her hand.
"Tikki?" Adrien asked with amazement.
"Have you guys seen-bleugh" Bubbles flew out of Tikki's mouth.

Plagg laughed at Tikki, a little harder than he should've.
"You forgot the spell again, Sugarcube." Plagg told Tikki, "You can't say your owner's name."
"This is serious, Plagg." Tikki said stressfully. "Stop laughing at me."
"What's wrong, Tikki?" Adrien asked her.
"I can't find my owner." Tikki said as she held her miraculous. "She had an interview with Alya, then she stumbled upon Mr. Ramier and then something tripped her and for some reason her earring fell out so now I can't find her."

"Don't worry, Sugarcube." Plagg rubbed Tikki's back, "We're going to help you find her."
Adrien smiled at the two kwamis. They reminded him of him and Ladybug.

"I think I should just wait here." Tikki said. After all, there were next to the bakery.
"Why? How are you so sure that she's going to show up?" Adrien asked Tikki.
"Tikki's owner likes in this spot." Plagg tried to lie. "She really likes this spot."
"A random alleyway beside the Dupain-Cheng bakery?" Adrien asked sarcastically.

"Adrien, I know for a fact that you want to know who Ladybug is," Tikki said sweetly, "But you must remember to keep your identities a secret. It's for your own safety!"
"I know, I know." Adrien looks down. "I just wish it didn't have to be this way."

"Me too!" Plagg exclaimed, "Ladybug could really benefit us. Her parents are the best bakers in the city! Although, that girl is the clumsiest person alive...but if I could get my hands on one of those cheese danishes-"
"Plagg!" Tikki yelled at him.

"Best bakers in the city? Clumsiest girl alive?" Adrien questioned.
His eyes went wide.

"Tikki, are you looking for..Marinette?" Adrien asked Tikki.
Tikki blinked. "No, of course not!"
"Well who else would own a bakery and be clum-"
"Adrien." Plagg says, "Ignore what I said. It was a mistake. You can't know anything about Ladybug!"

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