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"What did you just say?"

Marinette narrowed her eyes and leaned into Adrien - Chat Noir style.
Adrien became more nervous. He cleared his throat and tried to change the subject. "I know it's not quite 1-o-clock, but we can still go on our date, right?"

Marinette leans back and smiles. "Of course."
Adrien looked at her and took in her beauty. Her skin was glowing and her eyes were so beautiful. He looked down at her outfit and noticed that she wasn't wearing her usual outfit.

His jaw dropped. "Marinette, you look absolutely beautiful."
"Definitely." Adrien admired her. "And the hat really compliments the dress."
Marinette blushed.

"So, how was the meeting?" Adrien asked.
"Wonderful!" Marinette exclaimed. "Your dad loved my ideas, and the suit! He said you were going to model it on behalf of my upcoming brand!"
"Your upcoming brand? That's so amazing, Marinette!" Adrien praised her, "Have you started to work on it?"
"No.." Marinette frowned, "I'm legally not allowed to create a brand in my own name until I'm 18."
"What about the suit?" Adrien asked.

"Like I said, you're going to model it for my brand. Your dad wanted you to do it because that way everyone can become excited about the brand, considering you're Paris's most loved model. And, people will see that Gabriel approved it, which will give me a kickstart."
Adrien became excited himself, he was so proud of Marinette, and he let her know.
"Thank you," She blushed. "I'm so happy your dad did this for me."
Adrien smiled.

What Marinette didn't know was that Adrien was the one who set up the meeting with his dad. He knew how much Marinette loved fashion, and he wanted to do something for her. He slowly fell in love with her, especially after their class trip to New York two years ago.

Adrien held Marinette's hand and they got to walking. Being 16 and 17 had their benefits, one being that their parents trusted them more when they went out.

"Hey, Marinette?" Adrien glanced at her. "Isn't your birthday a month from now?"

"Yep, July 9th!" Marinette beamed.

A/N: In 'The Bubbler', it was Adrien's birthday. It was also the first day of the school year, which meant that Adrien's birthday was in early September. He's a Virgo. I couldn't pin down Marinette's birthday, but I chose July 9th.

"I can't wait for yours, Adrien."

Adrien softened his eyes. He's never had someone care about him before, let alone his birthday! Marinette is truly a gift to him.

Eventually, they arrived to Andre's Ice Cream.

"Ah! Marinette! I see you've finally found your true love!" Andre says with delight. "Would you like to share an ice cream cone?"

Marinette and Adrien blush and glance at each other. 

"Yes please." Adrien says.

"Yellow french vanilla for his hair, blueberry for his eyes, and raspberry for his personality!" Andre gushed as he made the cone.

Marinette shakes her head. "Andre, Adrien doesn't have blue eyes."

"Yeah, and Marinette doesn't have blonde hair." Adrien questions if Andre is legit.

"Are you sure you used the right flavors?" Marinette asked. 

"Andre is never wrong!" Andre exclaims as he hands the ice cream and two spoons to Adrien.

Their ClosureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora