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"Pound it!" Ladybug and Chat Noir bumped fists.

They were on one of the many rooftops in Paris, and said farewell to the akumatized victim.

"I better head home now, Kitty." Ladybug turned around.

"Wait."  Chat Noir grabbed her wrist. She turned around and raised a brow.

"This is for you." He kneeled on one knee and held out a red rose.

Ladybug laughed. "You gave me an orange rose a couple years ago because I told you red roses mean love. Now, you're handing me another red rose?"

"Yes, m'lady." Chat Noir smiled. "Because I love you."

Ladybug sighed. "Chat..."

"Please, m'lady." Chat Noir started, but was cut off by his beeping ring.

"You're going to transform back.." Ladybug said.

"So what?" Chat Noir grinned and stood up. He let his ring beep until he turned back into Adrien.


"Hear me out, m'lady." He held her hands. "We could run away from all off this, to a small tropical island..."


"...And we could live off of nothing but fruit!"


"We could have a pet hamster and name it-"


Adrien snapped his eyes open and was face to face with Marinette.


"I've been trying to wake you up." She groaned. "It's almost 6, which means Nathalie is going to wake you up in an hour and a half."

"How do you know when Nathalie wakes me up?" He sits up and stares at her. She's wearing her purple dress. He loves it on her.

"Just a guess." Marinette shakes her head. "But I have to get out of here unnoticed."

"I have an idea." Adrien stands up and puts on his clothes. "I'll call my friend."

"Your friend?" Marinette asks as Adrien runs to the bathroom.

"Yeah, Chat Noir."

The door to the bathroom closes.

"Plagg, claws out!" Adrien exclaims.


"Plagg?" Adrien looks around. "Ugh, Plagg isn't here!" He groans.

How was he going to get Marinette out? Worse, how was he going to tell Marinette that Chat Noir can't make it? What excuse could he come up with?

"Um.." Adrien walked out and faced Marinette. "Chat Noir can't make it."

"Why not? Is he okay? Is something wrong? Is he hurt?"

Adrien is taken aback by Marinette's sudden questions.

"Um..he had a..a special meeting!" 

"A special meeting?" Marinette asked.

"I mean mission." Adrien scratched the back of his neck. "He's on a special meeting. I MEAN MISSION. Yeah. He's on a special mission."

"O...kay?" Marinette said. "Is there any other way?"

"Um..out my window?" Adrien looked around nervously.

"Are you insane?" Marinette waves her arms around. "You live in the biggest house in Paris, and your brightest idea is chucking me out the window?"

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