Chapter 7

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*Song for the chapter- I miss you*

'Don't waste your time on me you already are the voice in my head.''


                         Emily's P.O.V

After yesterday, I was pretty sure that Dr.Lee was really good at her work. Sometimes she pushed me to talk, but there were times when she gave me some space. I appreciated that.

I entered her room today without knocking and sat down on the couch. She was busy with some paper work so I didn't bother her.

''Hello Emily you should have knocked'' she arranged all the papers and filed them.

''Oh ok I'll keep that in mind next time''

She nodded and moved towards her book shelf.

''Come here Emily''

Oh my god what is she up to now

I have no clue.

I silently walked towards her and stood beside her. We were watching her bookshelf. I got to admit it though, she's got all the classics. Wuthering heights, The Great Gatsby , how to kill a mockingbird, The Count of Monte Cristo. I observed the top shelf and frowned.

''Anything that you've read already?''

''Yeah'' I replied

''Go on take it from the shelf''

''Really?'' I looked towards her. She nodded approvingly.

I stretched my hand and took the book.

''The Old man and The Sea by Ernest Hemmingway. That's a good one''

''Yeah I guess so'' I shrugged ''I read this in middle school. I think it was kind of boring''

She chuckled '' Why do you think that? You know what, I would like to hear it'' she walked towards the couch and sat down. I gave her a questioning look. She patted the empty space in the couch beside her.

Uggh first she tells you to come here, and now she wants you back there.

She can be so difficult sometimes. I think she's the one who needs therapy here.

I walked back with the book in my hand and sat down beside her.

''So tell me what you remember about this book?'' she asked me.

''Umm well an old  fisherman who hasn't caught  a catch for months. I think after 80 days or something he finally finds a giant marlin. He wasn't able to pull the fish, so he holds onto the line for three days before killing it with a harpoon. He heads home with the marlin. But along the way, a few sharks reduce the fish to bones, and the old man returns to the shore empty-handed'' I paused and looked at her.

''Well yes that sounds about right, but what do you think about the book?''

''I think it was pointless. Like okay he worked hard for the fish. He hold's onto the line for three days. And then he gets it yaay!!! We're happy'' I say frustratingly and Dr. Lee chuckles

''But we're not. He works hard for catching that fish and then a bunch of sharks just eat it. And he is all beaten and bruised up. He works hard for it and then loses it immediately. Like yes  I get it life isn't fair but it's depressing as it is. Can we get an happy ending though? There's just no hope!!!'' I scream out.

I realised that I was just lashing out at Dr. Lee. I looked at her and she was looking at me understandingly.

''You are correct but think about it in this way the journey through life is the reward; a person who lives with courage and integrity can be destroyed but never defeated; and we need to be strong and use what is at hand. We must  know that it is one's inner resources that count.'' She replied.

''Wow I never thought about it like that'' I said shockingly.

''Well you can think about it now'' she says

''Also remember we must continue to do whatever it is that we have to do using the best of our ability, no matter what trials befall us. While challenges and setbacks can strike our chance  of success , still our spirit should remain undefeated. We must not give up!!!''


Chapter dedicatedd to kzkrnx . It was nicee textingg withh youu!!!! I wishh I coulddd textt moree thoughh... Hope you are ok now? I'm always hereee if you wanna talkkkk!!!


Thoughts on thiss chapterr??

P.S I still dislike this book *eye rolls*

Anyway, thanksss for readingg  takee care everyonee!!


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