Chapter 27 - Double Date

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Two months later

"Finally im free" I said jumping up and down as Jay and I were walking out of Chicago med.

I has just been told by my doctors that I didn't need to wear my sling and that I could go back on light duties.

"I can't wait for you to be back at work bay" Jay says smiling at me

"I know working with you and the team again is going to be amazing" I say excitedly still bouncing around.

"You are such a child sometimes" Jay says shaking his head at me

I grin at him and reach for my phone which has just buzzed in my pocket. It was a text from Eliza I type out my reply as clamber into the truck.

E:hey you busy tonight?????

B:no why???

E:well this new restaurant just opened and I was wondering if you and Jay wanted to join us for dinner I'm paying

B:by us do you mean you and Matt


I turn to jay who is driving the truck back towards home." Fancy going to dinner at a fancy restaurant?"

He looks at me kinda confused

So I explain "Eliza wants to know if we want to go out for dinner at that new post restaurant with her and matt tonight"

"Oooo sounds good" he says eagerly

"Great" I say smiling and turning back to my phone.

B:we would love to join you

E:that's great ok meet us there at 8 ill make reservations,also wear something nice

B:I can't wait, see you there and FYI I always wear nice cloths

E:I don't know about that some of your outfits are a bit 😬🙄😯

B:🖕😂 ok I see your point

Jay and I spent most of the day lounging around on the sofa watching Greys Anatomy and making odd comments on things we thought were inaccurate,neither of us were doctors but still enjoyed picking apart the show and discussing what our favourite characters will do next.

About 6pm we decided to get ready I took a long shower before doing my make up and slipping on a newish navy blue dress

About 6pm we decided to get ready I took a long shower before doing my make up and slipping on a newish navy blue dress

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I was stood infront on the mirror admiring my dress when I notice Jay come out of the bathroom.

"Hey you come over here" I tell him

"You look beautiful" he says wrapping his arms around me

"I love you" I say turning round to kiss him

"I love you too,but we do need to get going or we are going to be late"

"Ok just let me find my shoes" i say rushing back to the wardrobe

"Your shoes are by the front door where you left them earlier" Jay says

"Oh yeah" I say

I slip into my heels and we head down to the garage.


We pull up to the restaurant at the same time as Eliza and Matt I jump out and run over to Eliza.

"Jesus Bailey, at least wait until I've turned the engine off" Jay says with a chuckle

I ignore him and give Eliza another hug

"Your arm" she says excitedly

"Yep in full working order" I reply

"Come on let's go" she says leading me inside

As Eliza and I are walking to the front door i hear Jay mutter something to Matt

"why do I feel like this was just an excuse for them to see each other and not really a double date" Jay mutters

"It wouldn't surprise me" matt says with a chuckle

"It wouldn't surprise me" matt says with a chuckle

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The interior was very fancy

"Now I see why you made me wear a tie" Jay mutter in my ear interlocking our fingers. I chuckle and nod slightly

We are led over to our table given our menus and given glasses of very fancy wine,I knew it was fancy because I'd never heard of that brand name before.

I opened my menu and began to read while taking a sip from my wine and was trying to decide what to have when I feel a foot begin to run up and down my leg.

I choke on my wine slightly ,luckily no one noticed,and look at Jay who was staring at his own menu with a cocky grin on his face I roll my eyes and turn back to menu. Jay foot continuing to move up and down my leg.

Once we order our food Jay decides to step thins up a notch and places a hand on my thigh. Knowing whats on his mind I remove the hand from my thigh and continue the conversation I am having with Matt about 51s big chilli Cook off, but Jay wasn't having any of it and as soon as I set his hand back  on his own leg proceeded to put his hand back on my thigh.

I gave up removing it after several attempts and just let him do his thing.

It was a very enjoyable evening we spent it catching up with one another, talking about new cases/calls/acting jobs and there was always gossip about particular work colleagues.

We said goodbye to both Matt and Eliza in the car park and got into Jays truck and headed home.

We got back into the apartment and I took me heels off and flopped down onto the sofa

"I hate wearing heels" I moan as Jay sits next to me

"Nobody told you to wear them" he says obviously taking the piss

I pull the pillow out from underneath me and through it at him. He chuckles at moves closer to me wrapping and arm around a shoulder

"I had a good night tonight" he tells me

"Yeah me too, it was nice to see Eliza and Matt I haven't seen them since just after I was shot" I reply

"You know what would make it even better" he says raising his eyebrows.

I had a feeling this would happen, he had been teasing me all evening and both of us had missed it in the three months since my injury.

"I do" I reply clambering on top of him

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