Chapter 8 - It was a mistake

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The sun was bright as ever shining in throught the window.

I Yawned and streched as I did every morning that was when I noticed the arm that was stretched over my body.

Then all the events of last night came flooding back to me.

I let our a huge grown, why oh why did I sleep with him, how could I be so stupid, I knew I'd regret it when I woke up.

Carefully I got out of bed and headed over to my en suite bathroom for a long shower where I could try to make sense of all emotions I seemed to be feeling.

I was in the shower for a good hour and when I got out my skin was red and my fingers wrinkly.

I wrapped myself in a towel and headed into my bedroom where Jay was.

Only he wasn't there. Not in bed. Not in the other bathroom or the kitchen, he wasn't in my apartment at all. In fact there was no evidence of him being in my apartment at all last night. Apart from the rather large hickey that I had noticed while in the shower.

I got dressed and then headed into the kitchen. I was full with regret, i could have slept with anyone else, but it had to be him.

I picked up my phone texted Eliza. She was the only one I had told about what was going on with Jay and having to put up with him.

B: hey, you busy???

E: no, whats up?

B: I need to talk.

E: Ahhh something happened with you and that hot detective and you need to vent:)

B: Er.... yeah..... how did you know??

E: Bay you are the most predictable person ever

B:no I'm not. Can you come over I really need to talk.

E: sure I'm on my way :)

B: thx your amazing

E: I know you don't need to remind me ;)

B: 🙄😂

"I slept with him!" I burst put as soon as I answer the door, shit I wasn't going to tell her that straight away.

"Woah, not what I was expecting" she chuckles.

I give her a guilty smile and hold the door for her to come in.

She walkes right over to the sofa and sits down patting the other half indicating for me to sit down.

"Sit your ass down and tell me all about it, leaving out the intimate parts obviously" she says

"Obviously" I respond.

And then I begin to tell her about it, I was a bit hesitant at first but once I started I just couldn't stop the words pouring out of my mouth.

"I think I see the problem here" she says with a grin

"What" I say confused as to why she was grinning.

"You have all these emotions about how laste night was a mistake, because you don't want to admit to your self that you are falling in love with this guy." She says

I'm shocked I never thought she'd say anything like this.

"What no...... thats stupid....... we hate each other" I stammer but as soon as the words left my mouth I started questioning them.

"Are you sure about that, he obviously doesn't hate you,and besides I've been in lots of romance movies I know love when I see it." she says smiling even more

"Yes I am sure, and can we talk about something other than my love life  for a bit please"

"Sure" she says.

And we do in fact we spent the whole day talking about my job and all her acting jobs and the amount of co stars she is simping for etc.

We would have talked way into the night if I had not had to ask her to leave because I had work in the morning and didn't want to be late.

When I went to bed that night I had a lot on my mind, was what Eliza said true? Was I in love with my partner? And i fell asleep these questions still dancing around my head.

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