Chapter 4 - What did I do?

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I was sat in my car crying my eyes out,I couldn't believe what he had said, I try my very best to be the role model as the oldest sibling but all I get is why did you become I cop.

I start the car and head back to my apartment, when I pull into the garage floor of my apartment complex I decide I don't want to try and process what happened just yet so I exit the garage and head towards the bar round the corner.

Mollys bar was a neighbourhood bar owned by some of my friends at Firehouse 51, and my unit and I quite often went there after a particularly long day.

I walked in and sat down at the bar, Hermann noticed I looked upset and came over to see if I was OK."you ok Cooper you look lost" he said placing a beer in front of me.

"Yeah I'm fine Hermann, just family drama". I told him not really int the mood to talk about my feelings.

"Well I know i don't know you all that well but I do know things have a way of working themselves out, they always do." He told me I just smiled and nodded at him,lost in my own thoughts.

I sat at the bar having dronk after drink unaware of what is going on around me.

Until I hear a voice from behind me
"Cooper you look terrible, long day?"
I look up and see Jay Halstead sitting down on the stool next to me.

"No we didn't have a case today" I tell him

"So whats up then, and don't say its because I'm here because I just got here and by the looks of things you've been here a while" he says gesturing towards
The beer bottles on the bar.

"Family drama" I tell him bluntly "hey Hermann can i  get another beer" Hermann looks at me with a look that says you've had enough and I open my mouth to protest when Jay steps in.

"Dont worry herrman" he calls "ill take her home" and with that he gets up from the bar and pulls my arm to get me to stand up too.

Reluctantly but stumbled as I did so an fell in to jays arms.

"Woah, steady" says Jay sounding concerned "how did you get here?"

"Walked" I say simply

"Right ok come on ill give you a lift back to your apartment" he tells me.


Sunlight pours in through the open curtain, temporarily blinding me. My head is pounding, then I remember all the events of yesterday the fight with my uncle and then getting drunk at Mollys.

How did I even get home?

Then the sweet aroma of waffles drifted into the room

Hang on, if I could smell waffles thet ment someone was in my apartment!

I glanced around the room and spotted my gun on the dresser stumbling out of bed I picked it up and made my way out the room and down the hall pointing my gun in front of me the whole time.

As I got closer to the kitchen I could hear Taylor Swift playing softly, whoever was in my apartment obviously hadn't noticed me.

I walked further into the room so I could just see a man's body, a very muscular body I might add, stood at the stove making waffles

"CPD DON'T MOVE" i shouted at the figure in my apartment.


"Easy does it Cooper, its me" a very familiar voice says.

"Jay!?" I exclaim "what the hell are you in my apartment.....and wy are you making waffles"

Then it hits me "I was drunk?" I ask

"Very" he replies with a smirk

Just then his phone rings

"OK ill meet you there" he finishes and hangs up "i gotta go we got a case" he told me "waffles need about 5 minutes" he tells me as he walks out the door

I stood in the doorway dumbfounded what had just happened?

I walked back to my bedroom and picked up my phone I knew who I needed to talk to.

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