Chapter 20 - I'm Still Standing

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I woke up the next morning in bed next to Jay who was still out like a light. I lay there just admiring how handsome he was, I am so damn lucky to have him I thought to myself.

Unfortunately I eventually had to wake him as I was in quite a bit of pain and couldn't get up to get my painkillers as he had an arm over my wasit.

"Jay" I whispered

He let out a long grown and stretched his arms as he did so. He then settled  back down next to me and opened his eyes.

"Morning beautiful" he says his morning voice being deeper and more groggy "You ok?"

I smile at him interlocking my fingers with his "yeah I'm good, I just need my painkillers and couldn't get up because you were practically on top of me" I tell him.

"Hold on i'll get them" he says rolling over and clambering out of bed.

"I don't suppose you could get me a coffee" too i call as he walks out the bedroom

I hear a laugh before he calls "and would ma'am like breakfast in bed as well."

I just smile and prop myself up against the headboard.

Jay returns 5 minutes later carring a tray with 2 cups of coffee a glass of water and my pain meds. He then clambers back in next to me.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks taking a sip from his coffee.

It took me a while to answer as I was halfway through trying to work out how to take tablets one handed.

"Errrm I don't really mind, but i would like to head over to the precinct and see the team at some point but that doesn't have to be today" I reply

"Ok, how does this sound  we finish the coffee get dressed go to a diner or something for breakfast as I checked the cupboards and you have no food, and then if your up for it we can head to the Precinct." Jay says

"Perfect" I say smiling at him.


As soon as we enter the District I hear Trudys voice "Detective Cooper you look great"

"Thanks sarge" I reply offering her a dounut from the box we had picked up on the way over.

"Mmm thanks you two" she says taking a bite "the whole team is up there no major cases or anything today"

We smile and walk over to the gate and buzz ourselves up.

The first thing I heard once I'd reached the top of the stairs was Ruzek yelling "hey look Cooper's still alive"

I smile at him and the rest of the team, I loved working in Intelligence it really was like a family.

"Good to see you up and about Cooper" Voight says from the doorway of his office.

I greet all the team then head over to jays desk and sit down as I had noticed that mine was occupied.

Following my gaze Antonio introduced the new face. "Cooper, Halstead this is Detective Jessica Turner she's filling in while you're injured Cooper"

I nod and smile at the young detective she's quite tall and definitely in better shape than me but she doesn't come across as a team player which is a necessary quality in Intelligence.

I'm brought back to my senses by Jays hand waving infront of my face

"Earth to Bailey-Jay" he says chuckling

"Oh sorry" I say snapping out of my daze " I was trying to work out what I'm going to say to my mother about what happend"

"What do you mean she knows what happens Voight explained it to her more than once" says Kim

"I know but I can guarantee she interrogates me about it too" I say with a sigh

"I'm not gonna lie your mum is scary" exclaimed Ruzek" "shouting at Voight like that out of the blue, damn"

"Yep and  she's even more pissed  because I didn't listen to her so called advice about not being a cop and ended up getting shot"

"Yeah we heard about that" says Kevin

"Is your mum like anti police or something" pipes up the new detective Turner

"No" I tell her "only Anti detective Cooper, she wanted me to become a lawyer like my dad or do a nice safe job like teaching so let's just say it didn't go down too well when I signed up for the police academy"

"She worries about you, like every mother should" responds Turner

I scoff "You haven't met my mother the only thing she worries about is is my 15 year old brother and his Hockey" i tell her.

"So how long you guys off for?" Questions Antonio

"I should be back next week" says Jay " and Bailey has to wait for her stitches to heal before Will will even consider letting her return."

"Your brothers quite bossy when in doctor mode isn't he" I say to Jay

He smiles and nods.

"I'm hoping to come back on desk duty once the stiches have healed but I have no idea about full duty" I say "I'm pretty sure will wanted me to say in hospital longer as well"

"But let me guess you pulled the 'ill be more comfortable at home' card" says Ruzek

"Yep" I say with a smug smile.


We spend the next hour or so chatting with the team before Jay decides it's time to leave.

"Why did we have to go" I moan as he helps me into the car

"Bay, you can barely keep your eyes open you need to go home to bed" he says with a chuckle

"I'm not tired" I say just before i let our a huge yawn

"I rest my case" replies Jay getting into the drivers seat.

"Ok fair enough" I say as we pull out of the car park.

And Jays point was proven once again when I fell asleep almost as soon as we sat down and snuggled on the sofa.

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