Chapter 9 - We cant tell anyone

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I trudged up the stairs to the bullpen, dreading having to see Jay, my feeling were still muddled and I didn't know what to feel.

I reached the top of the stairs an sat down at my desk. I then turned around to see Adam and Kevin stood infront of the desk smiles on there faces.

"I believe you owe us an explanation Cooper" Ruzek says with a serious tone

"What?" I say, hoping they hadn't heard about what happened with Jay

"Care to tell us what you did yesterday" Kevin asks with the same tone as Adam

"I don't know what your getting at, I was at home all day yesterday". I tell them trying not to show the fear in my voice.

"I don't think were being specific enough kev, show her the photo." Says Ruzek

This confused me even more. I had no idea what they were talking about.

Kevin reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.

He then turned it round showing me a picture of me and Eliza from yesterday. That I assume was on her Instagram.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" I ask them.trying to hide the smirk on my face.

I knew they were both big fans of Eliza and her movies, and they spent a surprising amount of time talking about her when we were at work.

"What do you mean what are you supposed to be looking at" Adam says dumbfounded "thats you and world famous actress Eliza Jacobs in your apartment"

"Yeah we hang out sometimes I tell them no longer able to hide the smile on my face.

The astonished look on both of their faces was like nothing I've ever seen.

"You say that like its not a big deal" said Kevin

"Its not a big deal, we have been best friends for years, to me its not Eliza Jacobs would famous actress its Eliza Jacobs my best friend who is always there for me" I tell them

Both Ruzek and Atwater stare at me still shocked that I know a world famous actress.

And they were still staring at me when Jay walkes up the stairs.

"Hey Halstead guess what!" Ruzek says with a big grin on his face

"What" says Jay bluntly he doesn't seem to be in the best mood today and to be honest it doesn't surprise me. He's probably feeling all kinds of thing just like me.

"Cooper is best friends with Eliza Jacobs" atwater bursts out

Jay spits the mouthful of coffee he had just taken back into his mug

"As in the actress?" He says looking at me

"Yep" I say smiling

"I'm not going to lie thats pretty cool Bailey" he says returning the smile.

"I'll tell you what, seeing as you all seem to be obsessed with my best friend, I will message her later and asked if she wants to join us at mollys" I tell them

None of them answer but I can tell they are happy with what I said by the cheesy grins on all of there faces.


It didn't take long for the tension between Jay and I to return only this time I was much stronger.

Even kim noticed something  was up.

"Everything ok with you and Halstead?" She asked me when we went to grab lunch for the unit.

"Yeah" I responded "we're just trying to work some stuff out"

"If you need to talk I'm here for you" she tells me.

"Thanks Kim, I really appreciate it" I told her

I had never really had friends, there was Eliza who I went to college with and Matt Casey who grew up on the same block a me, we used to spend a lot of time together when we were young and still spoke quite regularly. And they were the only two real friends I'd ever had.

There were several boyfriends through the years but nothing ever took off and of course the toxic friends from high school who diched you as soon as they found someone better.

But now I was forming a close bond with the Intelligence members, Voight had told me Intelligence was a family and how true it was. We spent so much time together ot was hard not to treat them as brothers and sisters.


It was a dull day in Intelligence we all spent the day catching up on the paperwork from the last few weeks.

As darkness began to fall over the city one by one members of the unit began to head either home or to mollys for a drink.

Jay and I were the last ones in the bullpen, we both seemed to have a considerable amount more paper work that everyone else.

You could feel the tension between us. I still had the events of that night and what Eliza had said dancing around my head and they were begining to become a distraction, I had been staring at the same case report for the last 10 minutes not writing anything.

I was still not closer to finishing when out of the blue Jay spoke up.

"Are we going to talk about what happened?" He said bluntly

"Whats there to talk about" I say

"in case you've forgotten we slept together" he half yells at me

"And?" I say not really ready to talk about to you

"Did that night not mean anything to you?" He says rising to his feet

" don't know?" I tell him. I still might not be sure of my feelings but he didn't deserve to be lied to. " but I do know nobody can know what happened, we'll lose our jobs"

"Well once you've made up you mind I'd appreciate it if you let me know" he says grabbing his keys and storming out

"Jay, wait!" I call after him but he either doesn't here me or doesn't want to hear me.

I sigh and gather my things together and head home.

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