Chapter 22 - Alana Cooper is here!!!!

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Ally was thrilled when I asked her to come over. We hadn't seen each other since the Dinner with Tiffany and her family and usually after every family dinner we got together a few days later drank quite a lot and laugh about how we were the family disappointments.

Instead of knocking on the door like any normal person she burst through the door (we had keys to each others apartments) yelling "NEVER FEAR ALANA COOPER IS HERE"

I had not been expecting this and jumped out of my skin. "Bloody hell Ally" I say getting up from the sofa.

"Nice to see you too" she says sarcasticly

I smile and shake my head and begin to rummage through the bags she had brought with her.

"I assumed you would have eaten your self out of house and home in the last few days so I grabbed some groceries for you" she tells me starting to put Jars into a cupboard

"You know me too well" I smile back at her. It was true I did tend to eat when I was bored which ment I had ran out of food quite quickly being stuck here all day.

"Ally whats this?" I say holding up a DIY cake kit

"I figured we could bake a cake or rather I bake and you supervise and then I want to see you try and game  one handed" she says laughing. I had a xbox one in my apartment ,which Jay was yet to discover, and when ever she came over Ally and I would play it together and get very competitive especially when we were drunk.


We managed to bake the cake without any major disasters but we did manage to get flour everywhere and then spill quite a lot of mixture on the floor, if our mother would have seen it we would have been banned from cooking for the next 20 years. It didn't look too bad but it didn't look to good either there was a considerable amount of pink icing floating in the sink. We had done our best to clean up but neither of us were particularly neat people so there was still spots of flour on the counter.

We then spent the rest of the day on the Xbox and eating snacks. We were so absorbed in the game we were palying ( some shooter game i don't know the name) that neither of us noticed Jay return at about 7 p.m.

We had taken a brief pause in our gaming session because Ally felt the need to do a rather accurate impression of Jax's girlfriend Tiffany when I spotted Jay leaning against the wall smiling at us.

My heart went all warm and fuzzy and I smiled up at him. It took Ally a few minutes to realise that I was no longer paying attention to her

"What are you staring at" she said spinning round when she layed eyes on Jay she screemed and fell off the sofa I couldn't hold back my laughter

"Ally what the Fuck" I say in hysterics

"I wasn't expecting a person to be standing there" she says picking herself up from the floor.

"Ally this is my boyfriend Jay, Jay this is my sister Ally" I say still laughing.

Jay also had quite a large smile on his face as he shook Allys hand "sorry about that I didn't mean to make you jump" he says apologeticly.

"Dont worry about it" says Ally kind of embarrassed.

Jay walks over and kisses me and thats when his eyes fall on the TV screen and the remotes on the coffee table.

"Since when did you have an xbox?" He asks confused

"Since I moved out of my parents house" I say simply.

He nods slowly then he realises something "hang on, you mean to tell me you've been bored out of your mind and moaning about it for the last god knows how many days when you could have played whatever the fuck this game is"

I open my mouth to say something but then close it again when I couldn't think of anything to say.

"Why does that not surprise me" he says rolling his eyes "only you would forget you had this"

"In my defence I don't play on it very often" I tell him.

Jay walks over to kitchen to get a beer when he notices all the flour "I take it all the flour is you two" walking back over to us. I just smile at him. He sits down next to me on the sofa and wraps an arm round me. I lean back against him and let out a yawn.

"Long day" he chuckles taking a long drink from his beer.

"I kept her busy" Ally says with a smile.

Jay then notices that I'm staring longingly at his beer "haha nice try but Will said no alcohol as it messes with the meds your on. And if I gave in and let you have it I would get my ass kicked" Jay says.

Ally then gets up and says " I best be going Trixies been on her own all day" (Trixie was Allys cat)

"Ok Ill see you soon" I say hugging her

"Nice to meet you" Jay says

"You too, bye" she says before walking out. I let out another yawn and snuggle into jays chest."I missed you today" I mumble into his chest.

"I missed you too" he says stroking my hair "That Turner they've got filling in for you is a right ass you know she actually tried flirting with me" he tells me.

"Tell her if she does it again ill kick her ass" I say

"Not with your arm in a sling you won't" Jay chuckles taking a swig from his drink.

"Funny Halstead real funny" I say sarcasticly.

"Come on you put that one on yourself" he says defensively

I don't say anything and reach for the TV remote to put Netflix on but before i do so Jay takes the remote out of my hands and picks me ap and carries me to the bedroom.

"Are you seriously going to pull that face" he says setting me down gently. I had pulled a why did you do that face at him. "I can guarantee you will be asleep in 20 minutes tops" he says pulling me close to him and wrapping the covers around us both.

I just Yawn in his face and snuggle into him again.

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