Chapter 1

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"I am not going to hold back okay?" Reki says while getting ready to skate the beef he always wanted to have with Langa.

"Me neither" Langa looks at Reki and smiles.

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Both of them pushed their skateboard with their legs and starting skating towards the rising sun of a new beautiful day.


'Is someone calling me? Who's taking my name so many times' Reki thought while comfortably laying down on his bed. Tired . "Just a bit longer" Reki says while shoving the person away. "REKI! WAKE UP!! ITS 8:30AM" Reki opened his eyes in disbelief just to see that he overslept and now late for work.

Reki moved his restless eyes towards the person who was trying his best to wake him up but now also late because of his lover.

"Langa! why didn't you woke me up? I am so late the manager's gonna kill me" Reki says while rushing and running from his bed to bathroom and to get ready. "Don't blame me. I was trying from last 20 minutes but you were not waking up. I've prepared breakfast already go and eat it after you're done , I am going now and don't be more late" Langa says to Reki who's currently confused that he should take a shower or dress up or brush his teeth. "Don't forget to eat the breakfast okay??" Langa shouts from living room. "Yeah I won't now go or you'll be late too" Reki says back.

'This is my daily life always coming home late and oversleeping , makes things hard for Langa...Damn! I need a vacation break' Reki says to himself while dressing up. He comes downstairs and sees all the breakfast Langa has prepared for him. He finishes the food and leaves their shared home.

At work

"Mr. Kyan the manager is calling you" a coworker from his office looks and calls him.
"Yes , I am coming" Reki says while grabbing the papers of the designs he has to show to the manager today.

Reki saw his manager reading and seeing every detail like it's a mystery book. After awhile Reki saw a big bright smile on his face. "Mr. Kyan it's just been 3 months since you joined our company and you've already become so good at work yet so talented. You can go home early now. I'll show these designs to boss. I am sure he'll like it" Reki looks happily to his manager and leaves the room while thanking him. He stops on his way and turns around because his manager seems to say something more.

"Reki you're doing a great job and it's only been awhile since you've joined...How about you take a short break? I'll talk with boss about the other things you can take the next week off" the manager says to Reki. "I am so thankful! I'll take a leave the next week then" Reki bows and leaves the room. He packs his bag and leaves the office building.

"A week huh? I got excited and took a leave but I totally forgot about Langa. If he's not free then what's the point of getting a whole week break" Reki signs and starts his car. "That reminds I forgetting something? is there something next week? Langa's birthday? No that's in February....oH yeS! how can I forget? our anniversary! wait we are not married yet-" Reki says to himself. He saw the beautiful cute café he always goes to because of someone close to him works there.

"Welcome!-" A young boy looks at Reki with widen eyes. "Oh it's you Reki. It's been awhile since you came here. How is work going?" The boy looks at Reki while smiling. "I know right , I was busy with work thanks to all that hard work I got 1 week break! also how are things going for you Miya?" Reki asks

"'s not half bad , I am actually enjoying myself these days!" Miya says
"Btw Reki it's next week right? did you prepared anything?" Miya asks pointing the exact same thing that Reki was thinking about..

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