chapter twenty-seven

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Previously :

UK was a bit seek, so you had helped him to go to bed.
He proposed you.

What happened between the two chapters?
UK takes you in his arms and fell asleep.
You are now trapped in his arms, since the end of the day. (It's the night/morning now.)


America comes into UK's bedroom.

"Ah, Y/N, there you are!" He murmurs.

"America, gosh, finally someone." You murmur too, not wanting to wake up UK. "Please, help meeee."

"What happened?" He asks while taking a pillow from the bed.

"UK is literally sick, he has a fever. You see the result, you can guess what happened. Now, come help me, please."

"Okay, okay. I'll see what I can do." He responds.

American tries to put up UK's arm, but UK growls and puts you closer to him, still sleeping.

You blush. "Ame... he's so sick that he even proposed me..." you panick.

Ame's eyes widen. "Wait here, I'll come back." He tries to contain his laugh.

"Where do you want me to go, honestly?" You respond, jaded.

Ame looks at you for a moment. Then he laughs behind his hand, blushing. "You're kinda cute in this state."

You blush. "That is not funny!" You murmur. "Instead of laughing, you should help me!" You continue to murmur.

Ame comes closer to you and stood down, his face is at your level, next to the bed.

"Or I can let you like that and bother you until sunrise, or at least until he wakes up."

He looks at you in the eyes. You turn completely red. "Don't you dare."

He smiles and stands up. "Ha ha. Don't worry, kid, I will go ask Germany or USSR if they got something for you."

He chilly leaves the room.

You wait for some minutes, feeling UK against you. His breath on your ears. You twist a little.

He murmurs something that you didn't get, again.

You patiently wait for America, your heart is bumping.

"See? That's what I told you, she is completely blocked by him."

You raise your head to see USSR and America. You smile.

Ame gets a long pillow and some clothes. "Remember, you will raise him and I'll take her."

"Isn't that more easy if I take her and you take him?" Responds USSR.

Ame raises an eyebrow, clearly annoyed. "May I now why you think that?"

USSR murmurs something in Ame's ear. He sighs. "Alright. Let's do this." Ame gives the pillow to USSR. "You should better not mess up. If he wakes up, we're dead."

USSR didn't respond to America.

They come closer.

"Okay, we have to do it very quickly and carefully. D'you understand, Y/N?" Says Ame.

"Yes. But what the clothes are for?"

"You need to give me your top for the pillow, he got a good sense of smell."

Never Ever Get Rid Of Me (countryhumans x f.reader) (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now