chapter twenty three

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This chapter contains violence.

That's all I can say about it.

💕 Good reading ! :)


"You... love me?" You raise your head.

"Was?!" Third Reich blushed and turn redder. "You understand that?"

You nod. "Yes. That's one of the few words I can understand in this language."

The soap fall from his hand to the water. He didn't know you were capable to understand that.

"I..." He begins.

"It is okay to not talk more, sir."

He looks at you with surprised.

He takes you in his arms.

"I didn't expect that." He murmurs. He removes his head. " I have something to ask you. It is a request."

You can't see him. "W-what is it?"

"Marry me (Y/N). Marry me and let me be the only one that you'll love."

His grip on you is too hard. You are missing of air.
He realises it when you caught.

He lets you go off of him. "I'm sorry. " He says.
You breath again and caught.

He carefully takes you closer to him and makes you look at him. "Are you okay?" He gives you a caring look.

You gasp and nod.

He puts a hand on your cheek. "I am so sorry to done that. I-I.. I didn't want to hurt you." He looks panicked and his eyes look wet.

(Am I the only one who found that weird? *someone appears behind the author* *scary author* okay, okay. Nevermind.😅)

"The thing is... That I care for you. I care for your safety and everything that can hurt you."

You don't know how to react. He is the one who hurt you. How are you supposed to react in front of him, without making him angry or worst?...

"You know Liebe, I feel a bit shameful for what I have done to you." He lies but you don't know that. "I mean- I perhaps didn't deserve you... Now, I want to be better. I want to be better for you."

Your eyes widen. "What?" You misunderstand.

"(Y/N), when I ask you to be my wife, I wasn't joking. I take it very seriously. You are the best thing that happened in my life." He lies. "Please, consider it."


He pecks you. You blush, your head is turning on the inside. Too much information for you.
You fell apart.

You wake up in the same room as the next time. Your clothes are not the same. The Third Reich isn't here.

Your head hurts again. You didn't feel good. So many problems to deal, and just a broken brain for that..

Third enters in the room with a cup of water. He comes to you and sit at your side. "How do you feel ? " He asks you with a worried look.

You hardly try to sit up. He makes you laying again, without efforts. "You need to stay calm, Liebe. It is not good for you."

You put a hand on your face. "W-What happened?"

"You fell apart while we were having a conversation."

Never Ever Get Rid Of Me (countryhumans x f.reader) (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now