Chapter two ✔️

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You wake up somewhere which is clearly not your apartment. Your body seems smaller than before, but it's still you.

You hear gunshoots. You're surprised and scared so you put your hands on your ears.
But your body hurt you to much to keep this position. So you instantly put your arms along your body while making a little sound of hurt.

You look around you. 'Where am I?'

You hear steps and you instantly cover yourself with the sheets.

"Oh, you are awake." Says a gentle voice. " Well, good afternoon my dear."

You recognize a British accent.

Your curiosity makes you remove the sheets to see where the voice is coming from. You see a ball with United Kingdom's flag, with a stell helmet and a soldier uniform from WWII.

"A war?"

"Excuse me? Oh yes, we are in WWII."

"Oh no." You jump out of the bed. "I have to go." And fall down.

" Oh dear." Said UK as he catches up with you. "Are you okay?"

"And you?"

He does not respond.
He puts you on the bed.

"You shouldn't have to get out of the bed .Take a rest, this is not a place for a young French girl like you. "


"You are French, aren't you?"

You are trying to remember what happens. You remember you death. You are horrified.

"French. " you say quickly. "I'm French. French. Where am I? Why am I here?"

"My soldiers found you, always alive, covered of blood few days ago. They pick you here, in our British Base, and we've healed your wounds."

"Mh.Okay. Thanks."

You don't look at UK and get lost in your mind.

'That's weird.'

"When can I leave this place?" You ask.
UK seems surprised. "When you gonna be better, we will drive you home. We will get you to safety as soon as possible. "

UK looks at the exit. "I think they need me outside. May I leave you alone for a moment?"
"Y-yes, of course you can."
"See you later."

You nod. UK goes outside.

You look at a mirror. You look like you are 7 years old. You lost 10 years old.

"Is that a joke? Or a bad dream?"

You fall asleep on the bed.


2 months later: A snowing day. At night.

You are with UK he has just finished reading you a book.

"Oh noooo. " you said sadly."It can't be the end! Where the man gonna go after? Why his friend is so weird?"

UK laughts gently. " Well, use you imagination if you are not satisfied. " He pats the top of your head. "It's time to sleep now."

He helps you to make yourself confortable in bed.

He kisses the top of your head. "Good night, (Y/N)."

He turns of the light.

You grab his hand. "Wait."

He looks at you.

"C-Can you stay with me this night? I-I... " you don't have words for finish your sentence.

UK sits at the right side of the bed.
He lies down by your side and hugs you.

You rest your head against his chest, hear his heart, feel his breath.

You smile, close your eyes and go to dreamland.

The next morning: A SNOWING day.

UK get out of the bed and goes  outside.

When you wake up, you don't see UK. You looked for him everywhere.

"Euhm. Excuse me, do you know where is UK?" You ask to a soldier.

He ignores you and continues his walk.

You judge him on the inside.

You continue to look for UK but you haven't found him.

You decide to go out of the military base.

The thunder is too strong and you can't see anything now.

You are lost.

You continue to walk far away.

You hear a sound. A kid!

You don't understand what he's saying. So you run to find him.

You see a little Germany . He is crying.

"Hey!" You scream to him.

He looks at you.

"Guten tag!" You try to say. "Do you need help?"

The little 'child/countryhuman' runs at you. You hug him and he hugs you back.

"Ich habe meinen Vater verloren." (I've used Google for that, sorry)


"I've lost my dad."

You pat the top of his head. "Ow...It's okay...We gonna find him. Just, take a deep breath, okay." You don't like to hear or see someone crying.

You are now with little Germany. You give him your coat, take his hand and walk with him.

The blizzard is less hard than before.

You see something that looks like a light. 'Our base!' you think happily.

You runs at it with Germany.

But it wasn't your base, it was Third Reich's house.

"Oh shit." You said while little Germany was so happy to see his house.

He grabs you arms. "Come, come!"

"Non, non.(= No no.) My family is probably waiting for me right now. "

"Just for a moment, only a moment. Mein Vater probably would like to meet you. And I have to thank you."

'I don't want to go there and meet him.' You take your arm out of little Germany's hand. "Maybe another time." You smile at him.

" Deutschland! " A little boy runs out of the house. You've never seen this flag before. Or maybe...

You notice something. Behind him, you see someone standing up next to the door, it's Reichtangle.

The little countryhuman hugs Germany. "Wo waren Sie? Ich hatte Angst, dass dir etwas passiert ist." (=Where were you? I was scared something happened to you.)

"Zuerst war ich verloren, dann hat sie mich gefunden und mir geholfen.." (=I was lost at first, then, she found me and helped me.) Answers Germany.

His brother looks at you.

You see Reichtangle walking in your direction.

"Alright, I really have to go now! Have a nice day. " You quickly said while starting to walk.

"Wait." Said Germany. "You gonna be cold. Take your coat."

"No, that's okay. Don't worry for me, you can keep it."

Germany grabs your hand and gives you the coat. He smiles at you.

You take it and run.

"I'm gonna be late, see you soon."

A bomb exploses in front of you.

You are throwing away from it to the ground.
Germany is running at you.

You are stunned, see troubled and do not hear his voice. Your head is spinning too much and you are falling apart.

Never Ever Get Rid Of Me (countryhumans x f.reader) (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now