chapter twenty

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⚠Psychological warning.⚠

Love yourself, you have to trust in yourself, stay hopeful in life. It's hard sometimes, but I know you can do it! You are incredible. 💕



You three are ready to go on the way to the mansion.

J.E knows that it will take time. Thanks to that, she can let her child be with you more time. Japan doesn't have a lot of friends.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You are close to the German's territory. It is full of chaos, you even ever see some soldiers. They are with Jews who are building trenches, trenches that will receive their future corpses. If only they knew what really happened. If only those kids-....

Your legs stop moving.

"What?" Asks with monotony Japanese Empire.

Your body doesn't respond, like your brain.

Those poor children...

She comes to you and go down to your level.

If only they knew what is happening... that will be horrific. What can we say about that?


We can say nothing.
'Cause sometimes, words can't be used.

Words can't-

"What happened, (Y/N)? Are you changing your mind?" Asks you the Japanese Empire. " If that's the case, I will have to put you there by force."

You regain your brain.

"W-What? W-w-where?" Your cracking voice asks.

"At Third Reich's manor. "

Your eyes start to sting, tears rise. Your disjointed breathing races for a moment, then returns to normal.

"I-" Your throat tightens, muffling your voice for a moment. Which leaves room for a first tear to flow, then comes a second, then a third,... your tears begin to flow.

You lightly deny your head trying to wipe away your tears.

J.E hands you a handkerchief. You get it back, use it. She straightens up, then turns around, crossing her arms behind her.

Japan embraces you with a hug. You realize your body is shaking.

"We don't have much time left in front of us (Y/N)." starts to say J.E.

She turns and offers you her hand. "Enjoy it instead of wasting it in your tears."

You close your eyes, still with tears, and you force yourself to smile.

A few hours later, it is the start of the night, you are asleep and carried by J.E. She enters with her, daughter, and you to the manor of her ally, the Third Reich.

"Ha! Good evening mein lieber Freund (=my dear friend). What a pleasure to see you again." He kisses J.E.'s hand. "How was that trip?"

"Long and exhausting." She replies coldly. "We really need some rest. Where can we sleep?"

He leads them to the front of the room.

"Can I get her back?" He asks with a big smile.

Your body sleeps quietly against Japanese Empire's ones. Your head on her shoulder, your torsos against each other. It has to admit that you warm her up.

Never Ever Get Rid Of Me (countryhumans x f.reader) (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now