2014//Tough Shell, Soft Heart ❤

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  ⚠️ Language warning. ⚠

  You've known the turtles for awhile, not as long as April did, but a significant amount of time, you were in a shakey relationship at the time, and you still are, but thanks to your friends help you throughout it all. But, little did you know the bitter jealousy from a certain hot headed friend of yours. That turtle in particular was the one and only, Raphael.

  You and Raph were the closest between all of your relationships with all of the brothers, you helped him through his troubles with his brothers, you were someone he felt comfortable to talk to, and Raph helped you feel better whenever your lover would have a horrible argument. You two, were very close.

Present day...

  You were trying to make your situation better with your boyfriend, you had decided to take him out on a small date in the park for a picnic!

  You had picked up some sandwiches and were heading your way over to your meetup spot until you saw something suspicious. It was your boyfriend... With another girl. You snuck up on them to listen in on the conversation, and what you heard broke your heart into too.

  "So babe, you got a boyfriend?" Your boyfriend flirted, making the girl giggled, as she touched his chest with a seductive look on her face, "No~ But you can take that spot~"

  You felt your eyes well up with tears, you had worked so hard to fix this relationship! And he does this to you?! You sniffle and yell at your now ex-boyfriend. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! AFTER ALL THE TIME WE SPENT TOGETHER, ALL THIS TIME WE TRIED TO FIX OUR RELATIONSHIP! YOU TURN YOUR BACK ON ME AND DO THIS?!" You yell as you started to feel tears stream down your face. Your boyfriend looked at you, shocked while the girl looked mortified, realizing the situation. "(Y-Y/N)-" "NO! DON'T EVEN TALK TO ME! DON'T EVEN BOTHER! WE'RE OVER!!" You screamed at him as you ran away from them, sobbing.

  You ran all the way to the lair, only stopping at the entrance as you sniffled, you dropped the sandwich bags at the table as you went to look for your source of comfort. "Raph..." you croaked out once you saw him, he was in the dojo, training. He paused and looked over at you, and was shocked to see your crying face, he quickly ran over, "(Y/N), what the hell happened to ya?" He says as he wrapped his arms around you, making you cling onto him and sob into his plastron. He would pet your head gently, scooping you up and heading to his room for some privacy. You continued to cry for a long while, but he stayed with you, petting your back and whispering words of comfort.

  You eventually stopped crying and sighed heavily, tears still running down your face. Raph put a hand under your chin and made you look up at him, "(Y/N)... Can ya tell me what's wrong now?" You bit your lip for a moment, not making eye contact. You then looked him in the eyes and whispered to him the whole situation, your voice shakey. "He what?!" Raph snarled, you nod and hide your face in his shoulder. "I'll kill that asshole..." he growls, then looks down at you, his face softening up. "(Y/N), look at me."

  You take a moment before you lift your face off his shoulder, and look up at him once more, "(Y/N), I'm not exactly great with sappy words, but, you are the most beautiful, kindest, and sweetest human I have ever met, that 'boyfriend' of yours really fucked up. You deserve better, and... I know that I can treat you better than that sucka ever will." He says sincerely. You felt yourself blush and more tears start to spill as he went on, "I love you, (Y/N). And I have for a long time." He looks away, blush spreading across his green cheeks. "Oh, Raph..." you hiccup. "It's okay if you don't feel the same, I mean... Who would? I'm a huge ass mutated turtle. Something nobody wants to see." He looks up at you, having a small frown. "Raph... I do." You whisper. "What?" He looks rather shocked. "I... I do. I started growing feelings awhile ago... But I didn't wanna end things with him, because I still loved him at the time... I wanted to make things better but..." you sigh, "We already know how that worked out..."

  Raph gently takes your chin in his hand and lifts it up so you both can make eye contact, "You really mean it, (Y/N)? You're not just saying that so I won't feel bad?" You nod lightly and he smiles lightly, "Well, that's good to hear... Means I can finally do this." He presses his lips against yours, rather roughly. You melt from the sensation and kissed back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.

  You would soon both pull away, panting lightly. "Ooooo~! Raph's got a girlfriend!!" A voice from the door yells, both of your heads snapped in the direction of the door, seeing Mikey smirking,  "(Y/N) and Raph, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-! AAAAAAAAH!!!" He was cut off as Raph got up and charged at him, making Mikey run for his life, screaming loudly. You giggle lightly at the scene, feeling a little better after the long day you've had.

Published: April 10th, 2021.

Words in total: 923, words after this do not count!

Hope you all enjoyed the Raph fluff! ❤

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